Vicente Bertomeu-González

About Vicente Bertomeu-González

Vicente Bertomeu-González, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, specializes in the field of Arritmias cardíacas. Cardiología..

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Single-lead electrocardiogram quality assessment in the context of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation through phase space plots

Predictive validity of the risk SCORE model in a Mediterranean population with arterial hypertension

Validez en la predicción de riesgo de la escala SCORE en una población mediterránea con hipertensión arterial

β-Blocker Withdrawal and Functional Capacity Improvement in Patients With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

Applicability of the Zwolle score for selection of very high-risk ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients treated with primary angioplasty

Magnetic resonance in patients with cardiovascular devices. SEC-GT CRMTC/SEC-Heart Rhythm Association/SERAM/SEICAT consensus document

Valor pronóstico de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda valorada por voltaje en electrocardiograma en pacientes con síndrome coronario crónico

Differential prognosis of patients that are candidates for standard, short or prolonged dual antiplatelet treatment discharged after an acute coronary syndrome

Vicente Bertomeu-González Information



Hospital Universitario de San Juan.



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Vicente Bertomeu-González Skills & Research Interests

Arritmias cardíacas. Cardiología.

Top articles of Vicente Bertomeu-González

Single-lead electrocardiogram quality assessment in the context of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation through phase space plots

Biomedical Signal Processing and Control


Predictive validity of the risk SCORE model in a Mediterranean population with arterial hypertension

Medicina Clínica (English Edition)


Validez en la predicción de riesgo de la escala SCORE en una población mediterránea con hipertensión arterial

Medicina Clínica


β-Blocker Withdrawal and Functional Capacity Improvement in Patients With Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction

JAMA cardiology


Patricia Palau
Patricia Palau

H-Index: 17

Vicente Bertomeu-González
Vicente Bertomeu-González

H-Index: 20

Applicability of the Zwolle score for selection of very high-risk ST-elevation myocardial infarction patients treated with primary angioplasty



Magnetic resonance in patients with cardiovascular devices. SEC-GT CRMTC/SEC-Heart Rhythm Association/SERAM/SEICAT consensus document

Radiología (English Edition)


Vicente Bertomeu-González
Vicente Bertomeu-González

H-Index: 20

Valor pronóstico de la hipertrofia ventricular izquierda valorada por voltaje en electrocardiograma en pacientes con síndrome coronario crónico

REC: CardioClinics


Diego Cazorla
Diego Cazorla

H-Index: 7

Vicente Bertomeu-González
Vicente Bertomeu-González

H-Index: 20

Differential prognosis of patients that are candidates for standard, short or prolonged dual antiplatelet treatment discharged after an acute coronary syndrome

Thrombosis Research


HDL Function and Size in Patients with On-Target LDL Plasma Levels and a First-Onset ACS

International Journal of Molecular Sciences


Vicente Bertomeu-González
Vicente Bertomeu-González

H-Index: 20

Prevalence of Chagas disease in Latin American pregnant women in Madrid, Spain: A multicentre cross‐sectional study from 2011 to 2016

Tropical Medicine & International Health


Spanish pacemaker registry. 20th official report of the Heart Rhythm Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (2022)

Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition)


Increased Risk of Heart Failure in Elderly Patients Treated with Beta-Blockers After AV Node Ablation

American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs


Registro español de marcapasos. XX informe oficial de la Asociación del Ritmo Cardiaco de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología (2022)

Revista Española de Cardiología


Risk factors for major adverse cardiovascular events in postmenopausal women: UK Biobank prospective cohort study



Resonancia magnética para portadores de dispositivos cardiovasculares. Consenso SEC-GT CRMTC/SEC-Asociación del Ritmo Cardiaco/SERAM/SEICAT

Revista Española de Cardiología


Vicente Bertomeu-González
Vicente Bertomeu-González

H-Index: 20

Publisher Correction: Early corticosteroids are associated with lower mortality in critically ill patients with COVID‑19: a cohort study (Critical Care,(2021), 25, 1,(2), 10 …

Critical Care


Influence of left ventricular ejection fraction, type of mutation and sex on malignant ventricular arrhythmias in dsp and flnc mutations

European Heart Journal


Enfermedad Cardiovascular. Tratado de Cardiología para Estudiantes de Grado


Optimized Blood Pressure Classification by Features of Pulse Rate Variability and Asymmetry


Vicente Bertomeu-González
Vicente Bertomeu-González

H-Index: 20

Raúl Alcaraz
Raúl Alcaraz

H-Index: 18

Los beneficios de medir el tamaño y el número de partículas de lipoproteínas para la predicción del riesgo cardiovascular: una revisión sistemática y un metaanálisis


See List of Professors in Vicente Bertomeu-González University(Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche)