Upasak Das

Upasak Das

Manchester University

H-index: 16

North America-United States

About Upasak Das

Upasak Das, With an exceptional h-index of 16 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Manchester University, specializes in the field of Development Economics, Public Policy, Applied Econometrics, Social Norms.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Fuelling down after a lockdown: Effects of the first COVID wave on clean fuel usage in India (vol 126, 106940, 2023)

Higher local Ebola incidence causes lower child vaccination rates

Did the COVID-19 pandemic necessarily escalate intimate partner violence? Results from a national-level survey in India

Learning from diversity: jati fractionalization, social expectations and improved sanitation practices in India

Duration of exposure to inheritance law in India: Examining the heterogeneous effects on empowerment

Looking for Greener Pastures: Examining the Effect of Graduate Politicians on Forest Cover in India

Unlocking the Role of social norms: How they shape women’s public toilet usage in India

Reducing delay in payments in welfare programs: Experimental evidence from an information dissemination intervention

Upasak Das Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Upasak Das Skills & Research Interests

Development Economics

Public Policy

Applied Econometrics

Social Norms

Top articles of Upasak Das

Fuelling down after a lockdown: Effects of the first COVID wave on clean fuel usage in India (vol 126, 106940, 2023)

Energy Economics


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Shreya Biswas
Shreya Biswas

H-Index: 1

Higher local Ebola incidence causes lower child vaccination rates

Scientific Reports


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

David Fielding
David Fielding

H-Index: 20

Did the COVID-19 pandemic necessarily escalate intimate partner violence? Results from a national-level survey in India

The Sheffield Economic Research Paper Series (SERPS)


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Learning from diversity: jati fractionalization, social expectations and improved sanitation practices in India

arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.15221


Duration of exposure to inheritance law in India: Examining the heterogeneous effects on empowerment

Review of Development Economics


Looking for Greener Pastures: Examining the Effect of Graduate Politicians on Forest Cover in India

Available at SSRN 4642163


Shreya Biswas
Shreya Biswas

H-Index: 1

Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Unlocking the Role of social norms: How they shape women’s public toilet usage in India

The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Cristina Bicchieri
Cristina Bicchieri

H-Index: 35

Reducing delay in payments in welfare programs: Experimental evidence from an information dissemination intervention

The World Bank Economic Review


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Mohit Sharma
Mohit Sharma

H-Index: 1

Rein in pandemic by pricing vaccine: Does social trust matter?


Does more schooling imply improved learning? Evidence from the Kanyashree Prakalpa in India

Economics of Education Review


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Prasenjit Sarkhel
Prasenjit Sarkhel

H-Index: 6

Women as pioneers: Examining their role in decision making on toilet construction in India

Journal of Human Development and Capabilities


Missing’Women in Economics Academia: Evidence from India

Feminist Economics


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Solving it correctly: prevalence and persistence of gender gap in basic mathematics in rural India

International Journal of Educational Development


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

What's the Worth of a Promise? Evaluating the Long-Term Indirect Effects of a Program to Reduce Early Marriage in India

Evaluating the Long-Term Indirect Effects of a Program to Reduce Early Marriage in India


Shreya Biswas
Shreya Biswas

H-Index: 1

Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

What's Cooking Up During COVID?-Impact of the Pandemic on Clean Fuel Usage in India

Impact of the Pandemic on Clean Fuel Usage in India


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Shreya Biswas
Shreya Biswas

H-Index: 1

Are high-altitude residents more susceptible to Covid-19 in India? Findings and potential implications for research and policy

International Journal of Health Services


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Prasenjit Sarkhel
Prasenjit Sarkhel

H-Index: 6

Examining norms and social expectations surrounding exclusive breastfeeding: Evidence from Mali

World Development


Cristina Bicchieri
Cristina Bicchieri

H-Index: 35

Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Examining Caste Diversity During COVID-19 Pandemic in India

Examining Caste Diversity During COVID-19 Pandemic in India


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Prasenjit Sarkhel
Prasenjit Sarkhel

H-Index: 6

Female Agency and its Implications on Mental and Physical Health: Evidence from the city of Dhaka

arXiv preprint arXiv:2204.00582


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

Gindo Tampubolon
Gindo Tampubolon

H-Index: 25

Gender difference in mathematics learning in rural India

Ideas for India. Accessed


Upasak Das
Upasak Das

H-Index: 11

See List of Professors in Upasak Das University(Manchester University)