Ulrich Maas

About Ulrich Maas

Ulrich Maas, With an exceptional h-index of 43 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Karlsruher Institut für Technologie,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Steady laminar stagnation flow NH3-H2-air flame at a plane wall: Flame extinction limit and its influence on the thermo-mechanical stress and corrosive behavior of wall materials

Ignition characteristics of hydrogen-enriched ammonia/air mixtures

An iterative methodology for REDIM reduced chemistry generation and its validation for partially-premixed combustion

Reduced modeling of the NOx formation based on the reaction-diffusion manifolds method for counterflow diffusion flames

Model reduction on the fly: Simultaneous identification and application of reduced kinetics for the example of flame-wall interactions

An improved reduced model for the evaporation and decomposition of urea-water solution (UWS) droplets

Study of mechanism of ammonia decomposition and oxidation: From NOx reduction to ammonia auto-ignition problem

CO2/CH4 Conversion to synthesis gas (CO/H2) in an internal combustion engine

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Top articles of Ulrich Maas

Steady laminar stagnation flow NH3-H2-air flame at a plane wall: Flame extinction limit and its influence on the thermo-mechanical stress and corrosive behavior of wall materials

Applications in Energy and Combustion Science


Ignition characteristics of hydrogen-enriched ammonia/air mixtures

Applications in Energy and Combustion Science


Chunkan Yu
Chunkan Yu

H-Index: 4

Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

An iterative methodology for REDIM reduced chemistry generation and its validation for partially-premixed combustion

Combustion Theory and Modelling


Reduced modeling of the NOx formation based on the reaction-diffusion manifolds method for counterflow diffusion flames

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute


Model reduction on the fly: Simultaneous identification and application of reduced kinetics for the example of flame-wall interactions

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute


Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

Christian Hasse
Christian Hasse

H-Index: 30

An improved reduced model for the evaporation and decomposition of urea-water solution (UWS) droplets

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute


Viatcheslav Bykov
Viatcheslav Bykov

H-Index: 13

Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

Study of mechanism of ammonia decomposition and oxidation: From NOx reduction to ammonia auto-ignition problem

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute


Viatcheslav Bykov
Viatcheslav Bykov

H-Index: 13

Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

CO2/CH4 Conversion to synthesis gas (CO/H2) in an internal combustion engine

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute


Wenwen Xie
Wenwen Xie

H-Index: 4

Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

Numerical Investigation on the Head-on Quenching (HoQ) of Laminar Premixed Lean to Stoichiometric Ammonia–Hydrogen-Air Flames

Flow, Turbulence and Combustion


Influence of the chemical kinetics on the prediction of turbulent non-premixed jet CH flames

Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering


Effects of ozone addition on the kinetics and efficiencies of methane conversion at fuel-rich conditions

Applications in Energy and Combustion Science


Wenwen Xie
Wenwen Xie

H-Index: 4

Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

Reaction-diffusion manifolds (REDIM) method for ignition by hot gas and spark ignition processes in counterflow flame configurations

Combustion Science and Technology


Chunkan Yu
Chunkan Yu

H-Index: 4

Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

Numerical study on spark ignition of laminar lean premixed methane-air flames in counterflow configuration

Combustion Science and Technology


Chunkan Yu
Chunkan Yu

H-Index: 4

Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

Investigation of spark ignition processes of laminar strained premixed stoichiometric NH3-H2-air flames

Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries


Multi compression–expansion process for chemical energy conversion: Transformation of methane to unsaturated hydrocarbons and hydrogen

Applications in Energy and Combustion Science


Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

Numerical and Experimental Investigations of CH4/H2 Mixtures: Ignition Delay Times, Laminar Burning Velocity and Extinction Limits



Chunkan Yu
Chunkan Yu

H-Index: 4

Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

Flame–Solid Interaction: Thermomechanical Analysis for a Steady Laminar Stagnation Flow Stoichiometric NH3–H2 Flame at a Plane Wall

Energy & Fuels


Burner stabilized flames: Towards reliable experiments and modelling of transient combustion



Assessing ignitions of explosive gas mixtures by low-energetic electrical discharges using OH-LIF and 1D-simulations

Combustion Science and Technology


Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

The hierarchy of low-dimensional manifolds in the context of multiple mapping conditioning mixing model

Proceedings of the Combustion Institute


Chunkan Yu
Chunkan Yu

H-Index: 4

Ulrich Maas
Ulrich Maas

H-Index: 24

See List of Professors in Ulrich Maas University(Karlsruher Institut für Technologie)