Turgay Celik

About Turgay Celik

Turgay Celik, With an exceptional h-index of 40 and a recent h-index of 32 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of the Witwatersrand, specializes in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Computer Vision, Cybersecurity, (Health) Data Science, Remote Sensing.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A Comparative Performance Analysis of Popular Deep Learning Models and Segment Anything Model (SAM) for River Water Segmentation in Close-Range Remote Sensing Imagery

LIRRN: Location-Independent Relative Radiometric Normalization of Bitemporal Remote-Sensing Images

Evaluating radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure in confined spaces: a systematic review of recent studies and future directions

Break Through the Border Restriction of Horizontal Bounding Box for Arbitrary-Oriented Ship Detection in SAR Images

Are synthetic cytology images ready for prime time? A comparative assessment of real and synthetic urine cytology images

Predicting in-hospital all-cause mortality in heart failure using machine learning

Adoptable approaches to predictive maintenance in mining industry: An overview

Clustering of Heart Failure Phenotypes in Johannesburg Using Unsupervised Machine Learning

Turgay Celik Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Turgay Celik Skills & Research Interests

Artificial Intelligence

Computer Vision


(Health) Data Science

Remote Sensing

Top articles of Turgay Celik

A Comparative Performance Analysis of Popular Deep Learning Models and Segment Anything Model (SAM) for River Water Segmentation in Close-Range Remote Sensing Imagery

IEEE Access


LIRRN: Location-Independent Relative Radiometric Normalization of Bitemporal Remote-Sensing Images



Evaluating radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure in confined spaces: a systematic review of recent studies and future directions


Muhammad Ahsan Ashraf
Muhammad Ahsan Ashraf

H-Index: 1

Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Break Through the Border Restriction of Horizontal Bounding Box for Arbitrary-Oriented Ship Detection in SAR Images

IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters


Pengfei Guo
Pengfei Guo

H-Index: 18

Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Are synthetic cytology images ready for prime time? A comparative assessment of real and synthetic urine cytology images

Journal of the American Society of Cytopathology


Ewen Mcalpine
Ewen Mcalpine

H-Index: 2

Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Predicting in-hospital all-cause mortality in heart failure using machine learning

Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine


Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Adoptable approaches to predictive maintenance in mining industry: An overview


Bekir Genc
Bekir Genc

H-Index: 12

Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Clustering of Heart Failure Phenotypes in Johannesburg Using Unsupervised Machine Learning

Applied Sciences


Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

EquiDistribution Grid Evolution Method for Line Spectrum Estimation

Signal Processing


Zheng Ma
Zheng Ma

H-Index: 13

Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

SinkholeNet: A novel RGB-slope sinkhole dataset and deep weakly-supervised learning framework for sinkhole classification and localization

The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences


Transformation-invariant network for few-shot object detection in remote-sensing images

IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing


Xun Xu
Xun Xu

H-Index: 16

Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Explainable Stacked Ensemble Deep Learning (SEDL) Framework to Determine Cause of Death from Verbal Autopsies

Machine Learning and Knowledge Extraction


Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Integrating Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory with Subword Embedding for Authorship Attribution


Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Vukosi Marivate
Vukosi Marivate

H-Index: 10

Personalised Adaptive Learning Technologies Based on Machine Learning Techniques to Identify Learning Styles: A Systematic Literature Review


Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Multilingual sentiment analysis for under-resourced languages: a systematic review of the landscape


Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Mpho Raborife
Mpho Raborife

H-Index: 2

Correction: Moghimi et al. Automatic Relative Radiometric Normalization of Bi-Temporal Satellite Images Using a Coarse-to-Fine Pseudo-Invariant Features Selection and Fuzzy …

Remote Sensing


Ali Mohammadzadeh
Ali Mohammadzadeh

H-Index: 3

Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Review of machine learning-based Mineral Resource estimation

The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy


Performance evaluation of machine learning and Computer Coded Verbal Autopsy (CCVA) algorithms for cause of death determination: A comparative analysis of data from rural South …

Frontiers in Public Health


Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Tensor-based keypoint detection and switching regression model for relative radiometric normalization of bitemporal multispectral images

International Journal of Remote Sensing


Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Ali Mohammadzadeh
Ali Mohammadzadeh

H-Index: 3

Model-agnostic counterfactual explanations in credit scoring

IEEE Access


Turgay Celik
Turgay Celik

H-Index: 30

Hans Vandierendonck
Hans Vandierendonck

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Turgay Celik University(University of the Witwatersrand)