Trynke Hoekstra

About Trynke Hoekstra

Trynke Hoekstra, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 27 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, specializes in the field of epidemiologie.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Five-year weight loss, physical activity, and eating style trajectories after bariatric surgery

Ferritin trajectories over repeated whole blood donations: results from the FIND+ study

Physical activity behaviour up to 1 year post-rehabilitation among adults with physical disabilities and/or chronic diseases: results of the prospective cohort study ReSpAct

Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire, Oswestry Disability Index, and Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale: Which has Superior Measurement Properties in Older Adults with Low …

Treatment with a DPP-4 inhibitor at time of hospital admission for COVID-19 is not associated with improved clinical outcomes: data from the COVID-PREDICT cohort study in The …

The experiences and needs of re-entering nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study

Why we habitually engage in null-hypothesis significance testing: A qualitative study

Is Indonesia achieving universal health coverage? Secondary analysis of national data on insurance coverage, health spending and service availability

Trynke Hoekstra Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Trynke Hoekstra Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Trynke Hoekstra

Five-year weight loss, physical activity, and eating style trajectories after bariatric surgery

Surgery for Obesity and Related Diseases


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Ferritin trajectories over repeated whole blood donations: results from the FIND+ study

Journal of Clinical Medicine


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Physical activity behaviour up to 1 year post-rehabilitation among adults with physical disabilities and/or chronic diseases: results of the prospective cohort study ReSpAct

BMJ open


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Roland Morris Disability Questionnaire, Oswestry Disability Index, and Quebec Back Pain Disability Scale: Which has Superior Measurement Properties in Older Adults with Low …

journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Alessandro Chiarotto
Alessandro Chiarotto

H-Index: 19

Treatment with a DPP-4 inhibitor at time of hospital admission for COVID-19 is not associated with improved clinical outcomes: data from the COVID-PREDICT cohort study in The …

Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Disorders


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

The experiences and needs of re-entering nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study

International journal of nursing studies advances


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Why we habitually engage in null-hypothesis significance testing: A qualitative study

Plos one


Is Indonesia achieving universal health coverage? Secondary analysis of national data on insurance coverage, health spending and service availability

BMJ open


Agnes Bhakti Pratiwi
Agnes Bhakti Pratiwi

H-Index: 0

Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Assessment of Activity Pacing in Relation to Physical Activity and Health-Related Quality of Life in Adults with Multiple SclerosisA Foundation for Further Intervention Development

International journal of MS care


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Clinical profiles of post‐load glucose subgroups and their association with glycaemic traits over time: An IMI‐DIRECT study

Diabetic Medicine


Physical activity, sedentary behavior and well-being of adults with physical disabilities and/or chronic diseases during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A rapid review


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Returning to nursing during the COVID-19 pandemic: experiences and needs of re-entering nurses



Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

The perceived impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on physical activity, health, and lifestyle among adults with physical disabilities living in Canada and the Netherlands

Journal of Exercise, Movement, and Sport (SCAPPS refereed abstracts repository)


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Test-retest reliability and concurrent validity of the Adapted Short QUestionnaire to ASsess Health-enhancing physical activity (Adapted-SQUASH) in adults with disabilities


Intention-to-treat analysis when only a baseline value is available

Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

BAck complaints in the elders-chiropractic (BACE-C): protocol of an international cohort study of older adults with low back pain seeking chiropractic care

Chiropractic & manual therapies


Post-load glucose subgroups and associated metabolic traits in individuals with type 2 diabetes: An IMI-DIRECT study

PLoS One


Unravelling perceived fatigue and activity pacing in maintaining a physically active lifestyle after stroke rehabilitation: a longitudinal cohort study

Disability and rehabilitation


Trynke Hoekstra
Trynke Hoekstra

H-Index: 25

Trajectories of health-related quality of life among people with a physical disability and/or chronic disease during and after rehabilitation: a longitudinal cohort study

Quality of Life Research


See List of Professors in Trynke Hoekstra University(Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)