Travis Miles

About Travis Miles

Travis Miles, With an exceptional h-index of 22 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, specializes in the field of Physical Oceanography, Biological Oceanography, Air-sea Interactinos.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Results of the Mini-Adaptive Sampling Test Run (MASTR) Experiment: Autonomous Vehicles, Drifters, Floats, ROCIS, and HF-Radar, to Improve Loop Current System Dynamics and …

Evaluation of the ocean component on different coupled hurricane forecasting models using upper-ocean metrics relevant to air-sea heat fluxes during Hurricane Dorian (2019)

AIRU-WRF: A physics-guided spatio-temporal wind forecasting model and its application to the US Mid Atlantic offshore wind energy areas

Overlap between the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool and Offshore Wind Energy Areas

Implementation of Near Real-Time Onboard Processing Software for a Slocum Glider Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler

Does Prominent Coastal Upwelling along New Jersey Lead to Increases in Offshore Wind Turbine Power Production?

Workforce Development for the New Blue Economy: Progress and Evolution of a Master's Program in Operational Oceanography at Rutgers University

Predictions of AcousticS with Smart Experimental Networks of GlidERS (PASSENGERS)

Travis Miles Information



Assistant Professor



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Travis Miles Skills & Research Interests

Physical Oceanography

Biological Oceanography

Air-sea Interactinos

Top articles of Travis Miles

Results of the Mini-Adaptive Sampling Test Run (MASTR) Experiment: Autonomous Vehicles, Drifters, Floats, ROCIS, and HF-Radar, to Improve Loop Current System Dynamics and …


Evaluation of the ocean component on different coupled hurricane forecasting models using upper-ocean metrics relevant to air-sea heat fluxes during Hurricane Dorian (2019)

Frontiers in Earth Science


Travis Miles
Travis Miles

H-Index: 17

AIRU-WRF: A physics-guided spatio-temporal wind forecasting model and its application to the US Mid Atlantic offshore wind energy areas

Renewable Energy


Overlap between the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool and Offshore Wind Energy Areas

ICES Journal of Marine Science


Implementation of Near Real-Time Onboard Processing Software for a Slocum Glider Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler


Travis Miles
Travis Miles

H-Index: 17

Does Prominent Coastal Upwelling along New Jersey Lead to Increases in Offshore Wind Turbine Power Production?


Travis Miles
Travis Miles

H-Index: 17

Alexander Lopez
Alexander Lopez

H-Index: 8

Workforce Development for the New Blue Economy: Progress and Evolution of a Master's Program in Operational Oceanography at Rutgers University


Predictions of AcousticS with Smart Experimental Networks of GlidERS (PASSENGERS)


Travis Miles
Travis Miles

H-Index: 17

An Examination of Salinity Effect on Hurricane Sally (2020)


A Dip in the Pool: Analyzing the Stability Strength of the Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool


Travis Miles
Travis Miles

H-Index: 17

Alexander Lopez
Alexander Lopez

H-Index: 8

Ocean mixing during Hurricane Ida (2021): The impact of a freshwater barrier layer

Frontiers in Marine Science


Ultra-Short-Term Probabilistic Wind Forecasting: Can Numerical Weather Predictions Help?


Applications Of Adaptive Sampling Strategies Of Autonomous Vehicles, Drifters, Floats, And Hf-radar, To Improve Loop Current System Dynamics Forecasts In The Deepwater Gulf Of …


NOAA Works Toward Improving Tropical Cyclone Intensity Forecasts Through Coordinated Ocean Observing

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Hurricane Ida (2021): Coastal Ocean Thermal Structure and Rapid Intensification over the Louisiana Shelf Region

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Investigating the Overlap Between the Mid-Atlantic Bight Cold Pool and Offshore Wind Lease Areas


A cycle of wind-driven canyon upwelling and downwelling at Wilmington canyon and the evolution of canyon-upwelled dense water on the MAB shelf

Frontiers in Marine Science


Travis Miles
Travis Miles

H-Index: 17

Suspended Particle Characteristics from Glider Observations in a Region of Freshwater Influence

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


François Bourrin
François Bourrin

H-Index: 17

Travis Miles
Travis Miles

H-Index: 17

Sediment dynamics on the outer-shelf of the Gulf of Lions during a storm: An approach based on acoustic glider and numerical modeling

Continental Shelf Research


Travis Miles
Travis Miles

H-Index: 17

François Bourrin
François Bourrin

H-Index: 17

The Middle Atlantic Bight Cold Pool is warming and shrinking: Indices from in situ autumn seafloor temperatures

Fisheries Oceanography


Travis Miles
Travis Miles

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Travis Miles University(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)

