Tracey McConnell

About Tracey McConnell

Tracey McConnell, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Queen's University Belfast, specializes in the field of palliative care, realist review, randomised controlled trial.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Music therapy could help manage the pain of bereavement

Music therapy for supporting informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre-and post-bereavement; a mixed-methods systematic review

Developing a best-practice agenda for music therapy research to support informal carers of terminally ill patients pre-and post-death bereavement: a world café approach

Integrated palliative care in oncology: a protocol for a realist synthesis

71 Assessing the feasibility of Behavioural Activation programme enhanced by a virtual reality exercise programme to support people with Parkinson’s

21 Wellbeing of lone working Healthcare Assistants and its impact on staff retention in hospice care at home services

Health and social care professionals experiences of place of end-of-life decision making on the island of Ireland

Integrating palliative care and heart failure: a systematic realist synthesis (PalliatHeartSynthesis)

Tracey McConnell Information



Senior Research Fellow School of Nursing and Midwifery



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Tracey McConnell Skills & Research Interests

palliative care

realist review

randomised controlled trial

Top articles of Tracey McConnell

Music therapy could help manage the pain of bereavement


Lisa Graham-Wisener
Lisa Graham-Wisener

H-Index: 7

Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

Music therapy for supporting informal carers of adults with life-threatening illness pre-and post-bereavement; a mixed-methods systematic review


Developing a best-practice agenda for music therapy research to support informal carers of terminally ill patients pre-and post-death bereavement: a world café approach

BMC Palliative Care


Integrated palliative care in oncology: a protocol for a realist synthesis

BMJ open


Geoff Wong
Geoff Wong

H-Index: 32

Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

71 Assessing the feasibility of Behavioural Activation programme enhanced by a virtual reality exercise programme to support people with Parkinson’s


Audrey Roulston
Audrey Roulston

H-Index: 8

Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

21 Wellbeing of lone working Healthcare Assistants and its impact on staff retention in hospice care at home services


Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

Health and social care professionals experiences of place of end-of-life decision making on the island of Ireland

Nursing Open


Integrating palliative care and heart failure: a systematic realist synthesis (PalliatHeartSynthesis)


Co-designing a strategy for implementing the SPARC holistic needs assessment tool in the Colombian clinical context



Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

Transforming palliative care in Colombia through a comprehensive patient-centered strategy using an individualized holistic needs assessment tool


Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

P-148 ‘Joyful, sweet time together’-Hospice’s catering team role in creating lasting memories for patients and families


Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

O-18 Evaluation of the school bereavement programme in Northern Ireland (Phase 1 pilot)


Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

Barriers and facilitators to palliative care for patients with non-curable cancer in Colombia: perspectives of allied health and social care professionals

BMC Palliative Care


Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

Bereavement Support and Grief Education in Schools: A Child Rights Obligation


Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

Designing a patient-centered Strategy using an Individualised Holistic Needs Assessment Tool for Palliative Care in Colombia


Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

‘That just doesn’t feel right at times’–lone working practices, support and educational needs of newly employed Healthcare Assistants providing 24/7 palliative care in the …

Palliative Medicine


Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

Experiences of decision-making regarding place of end-of-life care for children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions: systematic integrative review protocol


Out-of-hours community palliative care: a national survey of hospice providers

International journal of palliative nursing


Paul Slater
Paul Slater

H-Index: 18

Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

44 Walk and talk bereavement support: piloting an innovative service at Marie Curie Northern Ireland


Tracey Mcconnell
Tracey Mcconnell

H-Index: 11

BMJ Conference Abstract (number 12):‘From my perspective’–the development and evaluation of both individualised & immersive audio listening experiences to improve mental health …

BMJ Supportive and Palliative Care


See List of Professors in Tracey McConnell University(Queen's University Belfast)