Tomer Shechner

About Tomer Shechner

Tomer Shechner, With an exceptional h-index of 31 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Haifa, specializes in the field of Developmental psychopathology, anxiety, psychophysiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Dynamic Change in Naturalistic Anxiety Provoking Experiences Before, During and After Exposure-based Treatment in Adolescents: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study

Induced error‐related theta activity, not error‐related negativity, predicts task performance as well as anxiety and worry during real‐life stress in a youth sample

Enhanced late positive potential to conditioned threat cue during delayed extinction in anxious youth

Evaluating the effect of action-like video game play and of casual video game play on anxiety in adolescents with elevated anxiety: protocol for a multi-center, parallel group …

Anxiety Disorder in Youth: Separation Anxiety, Social Anxiety, and Generalized Anxiety Disorders

Looking fear in the face: Adults but not adolescents gaze at social threat during observational learning

Observational extinction reduces fear and its retention among adolescents and adults

The effects of age and trait anxiety on Pavlovian threat acquisition and extinction: An ERP study comparing adolescents and adults.

Tomer Shechner Information



Associate Professor Psychology Department



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Tomer Shechner Skills & Research Interests

Developmental psychopathology



Top articles of Tomer Shechner

The Dynamic Change in Naturalistic Anxiety Provoking Experiences Before, During and After Exposure-based Treatment in Adolescents: An Ecological Momentary Assessment Study


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Induced error‐related theta activity, not error‐related negativity, predicts task performance as well as anxiety and worry during real‐life stress in a youth sample



George A Buzzell
George A Buzzell

H-Index: 14

Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Enhanced late positive potential to conditioned threat cue during delayed extinction in anxious youth

Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry


Zohar Klein
Zohar Klein

H-Index: 2

Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Evaluating the effect of action-like video game play and of casual video game play on anxiety in adolescents with elevated anxiety: protocol for a multi-center, parallel group …

BMC psychiatry


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Swann Pichon
Swann Pichon

H-Index: 16

Anxiety Disorder in Youth: Separation Anxiety, Social Anxiety, and Generalized Anxiety Disorders


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Looking fear in the face: Adults but not adolescents gaze at social threat during observational learning

International journal of psychophysiology


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Observational extinction reduces fear and its retention among adolescents and adults

Behaviour Research and Therapy


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

The effects of age and trait anxiety on Pavlovian threat acquisition and extinction: An ERP study comparing adolescents and adults.


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Computational modeling of threat learning reveals links with anxiety and neuroanatomy in humans



Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Unique associations between conditioned cognitive and physiological threat responses and facets of anxiety symptomatology in youth

Biological Psychology


Zohar Klein
Zohar Klein

H-Index: 2

Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Fear learning, avoidance, and generalization are more context-dependent for adults than adolescents

Behaviour Research and Therapy


Zohar Klein
Zohar Klein

H-Index: 2

Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Social relevance modulates multivariate neural representations of threat generalization in children and adults

Developmental psychobiology


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Return of fear following extinction in youth: An event‐related potential study

Developmental psychobiology


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Watch and learn: vicarious threat learning across human development


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Effects of increased attention allocation to threat and safety stimuli on fear extinction and its recall

Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry


Effects of the COVID19 pandemic on transgender and gender non-conforming adolescents’ mental health

Psychiatry research


Zohar Klein
Zohar Klein

H-Index: 2

Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Using a novel paradigm to examine observational fear‐learning across development

Depression and anxiety


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Association of perceived gender conflict with depression and attempted suicide in adolescent girls

Adolescent Psychiatry


Gil Zalsman
Gil Zalsman

H-Index: 28

Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

Brief training to modify the breadth of attention influences the generalisation of fear

Cognitive Therapy and Research


Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

High avoidance despite low fear of a second-order conditional stimulus

Behaviour Research and Therapy


Zohar Klein
Zohar Klein

H-Index: 2

Tomer Shechner
Tomer Shechner

H-Index: 25

See List of Professors in Tomer Shechner University(University of Haifa)