Todora Rogelja

About Todora Rogelja

Todora Rogelja, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi di Padova, specializes in the field of forest governance.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Addressing timber (il) legality in the Western Balkan: Stakeholder perspectives on the EUTR and the new Regulation on Deforestation-free Products

Transposing EUTR Requirments in the Western Balkans: multiple case study of Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro

Institutional and actors-oriented factors influencing transposition of the European timber legality requirements in selected Western Balkan countries: the need for capacity …

Institutional structures impeding forest-based social innovation in Serbia and Slovenia

Bridging the education–practice gap through the forthcoming Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Gender equality and diversity in forest-related sectors (forGEDi)

Institutional structures for protecting biodiversity and preventing illegal activities in forested landscapes in selected Western Balkan countries

Institutional and Actor-Oriented Factors Influencing Timber Legality in Selected Western Balkan Countries: Multiple Case Study of Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, and the …

Analyzing social innovation as a process in rural areas: Key dimensions and success factors for the revival of the traditional charcoal burning in Slovenia

Todora Rogelja Information



Ph.D. candidate TESAF



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Todora Rogelja Skills & Research Interests

forest governance

Top articles of Todora Rogelja

Addressing timber (il) legality in the Western Balkan: Stakeholder perspectives on the EUTR and the new Regulation on Deforestation-free Products


Transposing EUTR Requirments in the Western Balkans: multiple case study of Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Montenegro


Institutional and actors-oriented factors influencing transposition of the European timber legality requirements in selected Western Balkan countries: the need for capacity …


Institutional structures impeding forest-based social innovation in Serbia and Slovenia

Forest Policy and Economics


Bridging the education–practice gap through the forthcoming Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Gender equality and diversity in forest-related sectors (forGEDi)


Institutional structures for protecting biodiversity and preventing illegal activities in forested landscapes in selected Western Balkan countries


Mauro Masiero
Mauro Masiero

H-Index: 12

Todora Rogelja
Todora Rogelja

H-Index: 3

Institutional and Actor-Oriented Factors Influencing Timber Legality in Selected Western Balkan Countries: Multiple Case Study of Croatia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, and the …

Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia, and the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Analyzing social innovation as a process in rural areas: Key dimensions and success factors for the revival of the traditional charcoal burning in Slovenia

Journal of Rural Studies


Policy framework as a challenge and opportunity for social innovation initiatives in eco-tourism in Colombia

Forest Policy and Economics


Todora Rogelja
Todora Rogelja

H-Index: 3

Alignment of National Forest Policy Frameworks with the EU Timber Regulation Requirements: Insights from Montenegro and the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)



Mauro Masiero
Mauro Masiero

H-Index: 12

Todora Rogelja
Todora Rogelja

H-Index: 3

Integration of EU Timber Regulation requirements into forest policy in Montenegro and the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)


Mauro Masiero
Mauro Masiero

H-Index: 12

Todora Rogelja
Todora Rogelja

H-Index: 3

National policy frameworks for implementation of EUTR requirements in the Western Balkans: a comparative analysis of Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia


Todora Rogelja
Todora Rogelja

H-Index: 3

Mauro Masiero
Mauro Masiero

H-Index: 12

Key stakeholder’s attitudes on the implementation of the EU Timber Regulation in selected Balkan countries: Comparative case study of Slovenia, Croatia, and Serbia


Adaptation to EUTR Requirements: Insights from Slovenia, Croatia and Serbia



Mauro Masiero
Mauro Masiero

H-Index: 12

Todora Rogelja
Todora Rogelja

H-Index: 3

Adaptation to EUTR requirements: Insights from Croatia, Slovenia, and Serbia


Governance of social innovation in forestry



See List of Professors in Todora Rogelja University(Università degli Studi di Padova)