Tim Huijts

Tim Huijts

Universiteit Maastricht

H-index: 30


About Tim Huijts

Tim Huijts, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiteit Maastricht, specializes in the field of Health inequality, social inequality, social policy, cross-national research, multilevel models.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

School health promotion and fruit and vegetable consumption in secondary schools: a repeated cross-sectional multilevel study

Rapid Review on the Concept of Positive Health and Its Implementation in Practice

Design of a three-level evaluation of the Dutch Healthy School program

Gezond wantrouwen?: Implicaties van een vertrouwenscrisis voor gezondheid en zorg

All together now! Positief gezond werken en leren

Identifying literacy and numeracy skill mismatch in OECD countries using the job analysis method

Social functioning and personal development among individuals with low literacy skills; the role of active labour market policy

School health promotion and the consumption of water and sugar-sweetened beverages in secondary schools: a cross-sectional multilevel study

Tim Huijts Information



Research Leader and Professor of Sociology at CHAIN



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Tim Huijts Skills & Research Interests

Health inequality

social inequality

social policy

cross-national research

multilevel models

Top articles of Tim Huijts

School health promotion and fruit and vegetable consumption in secondary schools: a repeated cross-sectional multilevel study

BMC Public Health


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Mark Levels
Mark Levels

H-Index: 12

Rapid Review on the Concept of Positive Health and Its Implementation in Practice


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Design of a three-level evaluation of the Dutch Healthy School program

TSG-Tijdschrift voor gezondheidswetenschappen


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Mark Levels
Mark Levels

H-Index: 12

Gezond wantrouwen?: Implicaties van een vertrouwenscrisis voor gezondheid en zorg


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

All together now! Positief gezond werken en leren


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Identifying literacy and numeracy skill mismatch in OECD countries using the job analysis method

Oxford Economic Papers


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Social functioning and personal development among individuals with low literacy skills; the role of active labour market policy

Journal of Social Policy


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

School health promotion and the consumption of water and sugar-sweetened beverages in secondary schools: a cross-sectional multilevel study

BMC public health


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Mark Levels
Mark Levels

H-Index: 12

Assessing the long-term health impact of COVID-19: The importance of using self-reported health measures


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Intergenerational educational trajectories and inequalities in longevity: A population-based study of adults born before 1965 in 14 European countries

SSM-Population Health


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Arnaud Chiolero
Arnaud Chiolero

H-Index: 38

Educational trajectories and inequalities in longevity: a comparison across 14 European countries

Population Medicine


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Arnaud Chiolero
Arnaud Chiolero

H-Index: 38

Onder welke condities doet Gezonde School ertoe?: Eindrapport


Il Centro di Ricerca UNICEF Innocenti


Dagna Rams
Dagna Rams

H-Index: 1

Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

How are students selected for excellence programmes in the Netherlands? An analysis of selection procedures using vignette data

European Journal of Higher Education


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Excellence programmes in higher education: selection of students, effects on students, and the broader impact on higher education institutions

European Journal of Higher Education


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Renze Kolster
Renze Kolster

H-Index: 6

Examining the impact of cuts to local government spending on Sure Start Children’s Centres on childhood obesity: a commentary

J Epidemiol Community Health


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Groot verschil in laaggeletterdheid per gemeente

Economisch Statistische Berichten


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Effects of participation in excellence programmes on cognitive and non-cognitive skills among higher education students in the Netherlands

European Journal of Higher Education


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Kim Van Broekhoven
Kim Van Broekhoven

H-Index: 2

Required literacy and numeracy skill levels for occupations in OECD countries: Application of the Job Analysis Method to PIAAC


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

Intersectional migration-related health inequalities in Europe: Exploring the role of migrant generation, occupational status & gender

Social Science & Medicine


Tim Huijts
Tim Huijts

H-Index: 22

See List of Professors in Tim Huijts University(Universiteit Maastricht)