Thröstur Björgvinsson

Thröstur Björgvinsson

Harvard University

H-index: 41

North America-United States

About Thröstur Björgvinsson

Thröstur Björgvinsson, With an exceptional h-index of 41 and a recent h-index of 33 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Harvard University, specializes in the field of Clinical Psychology, OCD, Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Patient adherence as a predictor of acute and long-term outcomes in concentrated exposure treatment for difficult-to-treat obsessive-compulsive disorder

A general inductive approach to characterize transdiagnostic experiences of emptiness

Behavioral avoidance as a factor in concentrated exposure and response prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Fearlessness about death and suicidal ideation: Religious identity matters

The effectiveness and acceptability of the Bergen 4-day treatment for adolescents with OCD: a replication and extension

Psychometric properties of the 10-item Autism Quotient in an acute psychiatric sample

Performance-based attentional control, but not self-reported attentional control, predicts changes in depressive symptoms in short-term psychotherapy

Readiness for treatment predicts depression outcomes in a partial hospital program.

Thröstur Björgvinsson Information



McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Thröstur Björgvinsson Skills & Research Interests

Clinical Psychology


Cognitive Behavior Therapy

Top articles of Thröstur Björgvinsson

Patient adherence as a predictor of acute and long-term outcomes in concentrated exposure treatment for difficult-to-treat obsessive-compulsive disorder

BMC psychiatry


A general inductive approach to characterize transdiagnostic experiences of emptiness

Journal of Clinical Psychology


Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Behavioral avoidance as a factor in concentrated exposure and response prevention for obsessive-compulsive disorder

Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders


Fearlessness about death and suicidal ideation: Religious identity matters

Suicide and Life‐Threatening Behavior


Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

The effectiveness and acceptability of the Bergen 4-day treatment for adolescents with OCD: a replication and extension

BMC psychiatry


Psychometric properties of the 10-item Autism Quotient in an acute psychiatric sample

Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders


Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Performance-based attentional control, but not self-reported attentional control, predicts changes in depressive symptoms in short-term psychotherapy

Behaviour Research and Therapy


Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Marie Forgeard
Marie Forgeard

H-Index: 21

Readiness for treatment predicts depression outcomes in a partial hospital program.

Psychological Services


Emily E Carol
Emily E Carol

H-Index: 9

Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Improvement in Distress Tolerance as a Mechanism of Symptom Reduction during Intensive Exposure and Response Prevention Based Treatment for OCD

Behavior Therapy


Michael G Wheaton
Michael G Wheaton

H-Index: 27

Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Changes in Positive and Negative Affect during Acute Psychiatric Treatment in People with Social Anxiety Disorder

Depression and Anxiety


Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Fearlessness about death and suicidality: does religious identity matter?


Chloe Hudson
Chloe Hudson

H-Index: 7

Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Implicit assessment of non-suicidal self-injury: group differences in temporal stability of the Self-Injury Implicit Association Test (SI-IAT)

Archives of suicide research


Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

The Bergen 4-day treatment for panic disorder: adapting to COVID-19 restrictions with a hybrid approach of face-to-face and videoconference modalities

BMC psychiatry


Ivar Snorrason
Ivar Snorrason

H-Index: 15

Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Bjarne Hansen
Bjarne Hansen

H-Index: 21

Characterizing patients reporting unchanged or worsened mental health symptoms after completing a partial hospital program: A mixed-methods study.

Psychological Services


Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Measuring attentional blink magnitude: Reliability and validity of a novel single-target rapid serial visual presentation task index in a psychiatric sample

Applied Neuropsychology: Adult


Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Marie Forgeard
Marie Forgeard

H-Index: 21

Quality of the therapeutic working alliance as a factor in intensive residential treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

Psychotherapy Research


Michael G Wheaton
Michael G Wheaton

H-Index: 27

Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Changes in suicide capability during short-term partial hospital treatment

Journal of Affective Disorders Reports


Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Transitioning to virtual programming amidst COVID-19 outbreak

How the COVID-19 Pandemic Transformed the Mental Health Landscape: Transitioning to Telepsychotherapy Effectively, Volume I


Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction of a virtual partial hospital program: A mixed-method study

Psychotherapy Research


Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

Prevalence and correlates of hair pulling disorder and skin picking disorder in an acute psychiatric sample

The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease


Ivar Snorrason
Ivar Snorrason

H-Index: 15

Courtney Beard
Courtney Beard

H-Index: 26

Thröstur Björgvinsson
Thröstur Björgvinsson

H-Index: 28

See List of Professors in Thröstur Björgvinsson University(Harvard University)

