Thomas Petit

About Thomas Petit

Thomas Petit, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université de la Reunion, specializes in the field of Microbiologie et biotechnologie.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A survey on the potential contribution of Reunion Island dye plant species diversity to the market demand for bioactive plant-based dyes and pigments

Screening for microalgal biodiversity from Reunion Island in search of potential sources of natural astaxanthin

Immunomodulatory and Antioxidant Properties of Ipomoea batatas Flour and Extracts Obtained by Green Extraction

Etude des propriétés techniques et biologiques de deux sources naturelles de pigments issues de la biodiversité végétale endémique de Madagascar: Acridocarpus excelsus et …

Caractérisations chimique et biologique en vue d'une valorisation d'espèces du genre Weinmannia endémiques: travaux préliminaires sur le tan rouge (W. tinctoria) de La Réunion

Criblage de la biodiversité microalgale de La Réunion à la recherche de sources potentielles d'astaxanthine

Criblage de la biodiversité des plantes tinctoriales de l'île de la Réunion pour des applications en coloration industrielle

Sélection par mutagenèse UV et caractérisation physiologique de souches mutantes de la levure Saprochaete suaveolens (anciennement Geotrichum fragrans) hyperproductrices de …

Thomas Petit Information



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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Thomas Petit Skills & Research Interests

Microbiologie et biotechnologie

Top articles of Thomas Petit

A survey on the potential contribution of Reunion Island dye plant species diversity to the market demand for bioactive plant-based dyes and pigments

Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine


Screening for microalgal biodiversity from Reunion Island in search of potential sources of natural astaxanthin

Journal of Applied Phycology


Yanis Caro
Yanis Caro

H-Index: 17

Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

Immunomodulatory and Antioxidant Properties of Ipomoea batatas Flour and Extracts Obtained by Green Extraction

Current Issues in Molecular Biology


Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

Etude des propriétés techniques et biologiques de deux sources naturelles de pigments issues de la biodiversité végétale endémique de Madagascar: Acridocarpus excelsus et …


Caractérisations chimique et biologique en vue d'une valorisation d'espèces du genre Weinmannia endémiques: travaux préliminaires sur le tan rouge (W. tinctoria) de La Réunion


Criblage de la biodiversité microalgale de La Réunion à la recherche de sources potentielles d'astaxanthine


Yanis Caro
Yanis Caro

H-Index: 17

Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

Criblage de la biodiversité des plantes tinctoriales de l'île de la Réunion pour des applications en coloration industrielle


Sélection par mutagenèse UV et caractérisation physiologique de souches mutantes de la levure Saprochaete suaveolens (anciennement Geotrichum fragrans) hyperproductrices de …


Yanis Caro
Yanis Caro

H-Index: 17

Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

Screening for Volatile α-Unsaturated Ester-Producing Yeasts from the Feces of Wild Animals in South Africa



Yanis Caro
Yanis Caro

H-Index: 17

Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

Restitution Grand Public du projet FEDER «PLANTIN»


Screening of La Réunion Island dye plant species diversity: A tropical hotspot with enormous technological potential for natural sources of plant pigments


Natural sources of colorants from Madagascar biodiversity

XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Natural Colorants from Plants 1361


New sources of natural colorants for the industries from Madagascar Island dye plants


Exploring the food and non-food applications of natural pigments: a prospective study on pigments extracted from dyestuffs of the biodiversity of Madagascar and La Réunion


Prévenir le risque de Légionellose: une urgente nécessité?

Prévention Réunion


Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

Yanis Caro
Yanis Caro

H-Index: 17

Selection by UV Mutagenesis and Physiological Characterization of Mutant Strains of the Yeast Saprochaete suaveolens (Former Geotrichum fragrans) with …

Journal of Fungi


Yanis Caro
Yanis Caro

H-Index: 17

Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

Alternative sources of red dyes with high stability and antimicrobial properties: Towards an ecological and sustainable approach for five plant species from Madagascar

Journal of Cleaner Production


Quantification of the aromatic potential of ripe fruit of Vanilla planifolia (Orchidaceae) and several of its closely and distantly related species and hybrids

European Food Research and Technology


Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

Pascale Besse
Pascale Besse

H-Index: 16

Evaluation of mixed-fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with Saprochaete suaveolens to produce natural fruity beer from industrial wort

Food Chemistry


Yanis Caro
Yanis Caro

H-Index: 17

Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

Improvement of the natural and fruity flavoring of industrial beers through a mixed fermentation process using unconventional yeast Sapraochete suaveolens (former Geotrichum …


Yanis Caro
Yanis Caro

H-Index: 17

Thomas Petit
Thomas Petit

H-Index: 12

See List of Professors in Thomas Petit University(Université de la Reunion)