Thierry Lejeune

About Thierry Lejeune

Thierry Lejeune, With an exceptional h-index of 36 and a recent h-index of 27 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Université Catholique de Louvain,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Extended reality to assess post-stroke manual dexterity: contrasts between the classic box and block test, immersive virtual reality with controllers, with hand-tracking, and …

Comparison of the effects of rhythmic vibrotactile stimulations and rhythmic auditory stimulations on Parkinson's disease patients’ gait variability: a pilot study

Performing the Box and Block Test in Extended Reality To Assess Post-Stroke Manual Dexterity: Using Controllers or Hand-Tracking in Immersive Virtual-Reality, and Mixed-Reality

Integrating the European PRM Examination in the National Qualification System

Frailty in MASLD patients is associated with the presence of diabetes and the degree of liver fibrosis

Goal-setting in stroke: from guideline to implementation

88 REASmash: A serious game in immersive virtual reality for the evaluation of spatial and non-spatial attention impairments in post-stroke individuals.

33 A serious game in an immersive virtual environment for inhibition and selective attention evaluation

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Top articles of Thierry Lejeune

Extended reality to assess post-stroke manual dexterity: contrasts between the classic box and block test, immersive virtual reality with controllers, with hand-tracking, and …

Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation


Martin Gareth Edwards
Martin Gareth Edwards

H-Index: 19

Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Comparison of the effects of rhythmic vibrotactile stimulations and rhythmic auditory stimulations on Parkinson's disease patients’ gait variability: a pilot study

Acta Neurologica Belgica


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Performing the Box and Block Test in Extended Reality To Assess Post-Stroke Manual Dexterity: Using Controllers or Hand-Tracking in Immersive Virtual-Reality, and Mixed-Reality


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Integrating the European PRM Examination in the National Qualification System


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Frailty in MASLD patients is associated with the presence of diabetes and the degree of liver fibrosis

Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Nicolas Lanthier
Nicolas Lanthier

H-Index: 16

Goal-setting in stroke: from guideline to implementation


Sarah Meyer
Sarah Meyer

H-Index: 1

Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

88 REASmash: A serious game in immersive virtual reality for the evaluation of spatial and non-spatial attention impairments in post-stroke individuals.

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Martin Gareth Edwards
Martin Gareth Edwards

H-Index: 19

33 A serious game in an immersive virtual environment for inhibition and selective attention evaluation

Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Martin Gareth Edwards
Martin Gareth Edwards

H-Index: 19

Visual feedback and age affect upper limb reaching accuracy and kinematics in immersive virtual reality among healthy adults

International Journal of Rehabilitation Research


Cognitive inhibition difficulties in individuals with hemiparesis: Evidence from an immersive virtual reality target-distractor salience contrast visual search serious game


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Martin Gareth Edwards
Martin Gareth Edwards

H-Index: 19

Validity and reliability of the assessment of hand flexors stiffness using a new electromechanical oscillatory device in people with stroke

International Journal of Rehabilitation Research


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

A feature and conjunction visual search immersive virtual reality serious game for measuring spatial and distractor inhibition attention using response time and action kinematics

Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Martin Gareth Edwards
Martin Gareth Edwards

H-Index: 19

The 2-min walk test could replace the 6-min walk test in ambulant persons with subacute or chronic stroke: a two-stage retrospective study

International Journal of Rehabilitation Research


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Is Pathology-Specific Virtual Reality Rehabilitation Better Than Commercial Virtual Reality to Improve Balance and Functional Mobility in Parkinson’s Disease Patients?


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Utilisabilité et validité du Box and Block Test en réalité virtuelle pour évaluer la dextérité manuelle chez les patients ayant subi un AVC


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Effect of age and visual feedback on upper limb reaching precision and kinematics in immersive virtual reality


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Performing a shortened version of the Action Research Arm Test in immersive virtual reality to assess post-stroke upper limb activity

Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Martin Gareth Edwards
Martin Gareth Edwards

H-Index: 19

Wearable powered exoskeletons for gait training in tetraplegia: a systematic review on feasibility, safety and potential health benefits


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown on physical activity of individuals with a spinal cord injury in Belgium: Observational study

Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine


Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

New technologies promoting active upper limb rehabilitation after stroke: an overview and network meta-analysis


Stephanie Dehem
Stephanie Dehem

H-Index: 6

Thierry Lejeune
Thierry Lejeune

H-Index: 24

See List of Professors in Thierry Lejeune University(Université Catholique de Louvain)