Tamás Spránitz

About Tamás Spránitz

Tamás Spránitz, With an exceptional h-index of 3 and a recent h-index of 2 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem, specializes in the field of subduction fluids, metamorphic petrology, fluid inclusions, Raman spectroscopy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Unravelling metasomatic agent in amphibole-rich upper mantle xenoliths from the Styrian Basin (W-Carpathian Pannonian Region): Insights from 3D Raman mapping of complex inclusions

Tectonically-determined distribution of monogenetic volcanoes in a compressive tectonic regime: An example from the Pannonian continental back-arc system (Central Europe)

3D Raman mapping combined with FIB‐SEM on multiphase fluid inclusions: A tool to unravel complex phase assemblages

FluidsByDepth: an inclusion-based research project on the better understanding of lithosphere-scale fluid transfer

Estimation of PT entrapment conditions of a subduction fluid using elastic thermobarometry: A case study from Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain

Abiotic passive nitrogen and methane enrichment during exhumation of subducted rocks: Primary multiphase fluid inclusions in high‐pressure rocks from the Cabo Ortegal Complex …

Evolution of fluids from a subduction zone: unraveling PT and compositional evolution path based on complex inclusion study

3D Raman imaging of multiphase fluid and melt inclusions: challenges and perspectives

Tamás Spránitz Information



Lithosphere Fluid Research Lab Department of Petrology and Geochemistry



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Tamás Spránitz Skills & Research Interests

subduction fluids

metamorphic petrology

fluid inclusions

Raman spectroscopy

Top articles of Tamás Spránitz

Unravelling metasomatic agent in amphibole-rich upper mantle xenoliths from the Styrian Basin (W-Carpathian Pannonian Region): Insights from 3D Raman mapping of complex inclusions


Tamás Spránitz
Tamás Spránitz

H-Index: 1

Tectonically-determined distribution of monogenetic volcanoes in a compressive tectonic regime: An example from the Pannonian continental back-arc system (Central Europe)

Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research


3D Raman mapping combined with FIB‐SEM on multiphase fluid inclusions: A tool to unravel complex phase assemblages

Journal of Raman Spectroscopy


FluidsByDepth: an inclusion-based research project on the better understanding of lithosphere-scale fluid transfer

Goldschmidt 2023 Conference


Estimation of PT entrapment conditions of a subduction fluid using elastic thermobarometry: A case study from Cabo Ortegal Complex, Spain



Abiotic passive nitrogen and methane enrichment during exhumation of subducted rocks: Primary multiphase fluid inclusions in high‐pressure rocks from the Cabo Ortegal Complex …

Journal of Metamorphic Geology


Tamás Spránitz
Tamás Spránitz

H-Index: 1

Csaba Szabó
Csaba Szabó

H-Index: 20

Evolution of fluids from a subduction zone: unraveling PT and compositional evolution path based on complex inclusion study

2022 Goldschmidt Conference


3D Raman imaging of multiphase fluid and melt inclusions: challenges and perspectives


Nitrogen enrichment during exhumation: new insights from multiphase inclusions in subducted rocks (Cabo Ortegal Complex, NW-Spain)

Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July


Retrográd metamorfózishoz kapcsolódó fluidumok egy variszkuszi szubdukciós csatornában: fluidumzárvány-vizsgálatok a Cabo Ortegal Komplexum ultrabázisos kőzeteiben

Földtani Közlöny


See List of Professors in Tamás Spránitz University(Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)