Suzanne van de Groep

About Suzanne van de Groep

Suzanne van de Groep, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universiteit Leiden, specializes in the field of Prosocial behavior, Adolescence.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Prosocial giving behavior of adolescents during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Mood variability during adolescent development and its relation to sleep and brain development

Mood trajectories during and after the COVID-19 pandemic

Objective versus subjective socioeconomic disadvantage, experienced inequality, and wellbeing across adolescence

Retraction: Increasing interpersonal trust through divergent thinking

Longitudinal change in adolescent depression and anxiety symptoms from before to during the COVID‐19 pandemic

Investigating Homophily and Popularity of Prosocial Giving Behavior in Adolescents' Social Networks.

Online Prosocial Behaviors in Adolescence: Age and gender patterns for Online Emotional Support and Activism

Suzanne van de Groep Information



PhD Candidate



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Suzanne van de Groep Skills & Research Interests

Prosocial behavior


Top articles of Suzanne van de Groep

Prosocial giving behavior of adolescents during and after the COVID-19 pandemic


Mood variability during adolescent development and its relation to sleep and brain development

Scientific Reports


Renske Van Der Cruijsen
Renske Van Der Cruijsen

H-Index: 5

Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Mood trajectories during and after the COVID-19 pandemic


Kayla Green
Kayla Green

H-Index: 1

Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Objective versus subjective socioeconomic disadvantage, experienced inequality, and wellbeing across adolescence


Retraction: Increasing interpersonal trust through divergent thinking

Frontiers in Psychology


Longitudinal change in adolescent depression and anxiety symptoms from before to during the COVID‐19 pandemic

Journal of Research on Adolescence


Investigating Homophily and Popularity of Prosocial Giving Behavior in Adolescents' Social Networks.


Kiki Zanolie
Kiki Zanolie

H-Index: 12

Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Online Prosocial Behaviors in Adolescence: Age and gender patterns for Online Emotional Support and Activism


Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Neural mechanisms underlying trust to friends, community members, and unknown peers in adolescence

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience


Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Adolescents' trust and reciprocity toward friends, unknown peers, and community members

Journal of Research on Adolescence


Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Family environment in adolescence predicts wellbeing in young adulthood: A test of longitudinal ventral striatal activity as a differential susceptibility factor for …


A longitudinal study of multidimensional prosocial behavior during adolescence


Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Do Dictators Have the Most Friends? The Association Between Prosocial Behavior and the Social Network in Adolescents


Kiki Zanolie
Kiki Zanolie

H-Index: 12

Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Socioeconomic hardship, uncertainty about the future, and adolescent mental wellbeing over a year during the COVID‐19 pandemic

Social Development


Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Renske Van Der Cruijsen
Renske Van Der Cruijsen

H-Index: 5

Longitudinal neural and behavioral trajectories of charity contributions across adolescence

Journal of Research on Adolescence


Variability and change in adolescents' prosocial behavior across multiple time scales

Journal of Research on Adolescence


Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Renske Van Der Cruijsen
Renske Van Der Cruijsen

H-Index: 5

The multidimensional wellbeing in youth scale (MWYS): development and psychometric properties

Personality and individual differences


Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Renske Van Der Cruijsen
Renske Van Der Cruijsen

H-Index: 5

Temporal discounting for self and friends in adolescence: A fMRI study

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience


Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

Erik De Water
Erik De Water

H-Index: 10

Moral beauty during the COVID-19 pandemic: Prosocial behavior among adolescents and the inspiring role of the media

Communication Research


Measuring adolescents’ prosocial behaviors: Associations between self-report questionnaires and economic games


Suzanne Van De Groep
Suzanne Van De Groep

H-Index: 4

See List of Professors in Suzanne van de Groep University(Universiteit Leiden)