Sushanta Kumar Panda

About Sushanta Kumar Panda

Sushanta Kumar Panda, With an exceptional h-index of 33 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, specializes in the field of Metal Forming.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Hydraulic Bulging and Failure Analyses of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Steel Tubes

High temperature uniaxial deformation characteristics in Al-Li alloy: insights into the perspective of microstructure, microtexture and slip system activity

Experimental and numerical assessment of thermomechanical and morphological characteristics of pin and pinless micro friction stir welds

Backing plate material selection for optimizing joint performance in friction stir welded aluminium honeycomb

Enhanced toughness and strength of 3D printed carbide-oxide composite for biomedical applications

Microstructural, Mechanical, and Corrosion Performance of Components Fabricated through Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Process

Design optimization of high interface strength metal–polymer–metal sandwich panels

Effect of tool concavity on flash formation during fabrication of tubes through friction stir welding

Sushanta Kumar Panda Information



Department of Mechanical Engineering



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Sushanta Kumar Panda Skills & Research Interests

Metal Forming

Top articles of Sushanta Kumar Panda

Hydraulic Bulging and Failure Analyses of Wire Arc Additive Manufactured Steel Tubes

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance


Debolina Sen
Debolina Sen

H-Index: 0

Sushanta Kumar Panda
Sushanta Kumar Panda

H-Index: 22

High temperature uniaxial deformation characteristics in Al-Li alloy: insights into the perspective of microstructure, microtexture and slip system activity



Experimental and numerical assessment of thermomechanical and morphological characteristics of pin and pinless micro friction stir welds

Materials Today Communications


Backing plate material selection for optimizing joint performance in friction stir welded aluminium honeycomb

Journal of Sandwich Structures & Materials


Enhanced toughness and strength of 3D printed carbide-oxide composite for biomedical applications

Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials


Microstructural, Mechanical, and Corrosion Performance of Components Fabricated through Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing Process

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance


Design optimization of high interface strength metal–polymer–metal sandwich panels

Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing


Effect of tool concavity on flash formation during fabrication of tubes through friction stir welding

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture


Sustainable Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting Using 3D Printing with Chicken Bone Extract

ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering


Manojit Das
Manojit Das

H-Index: 2

Arijit Jana
Arijit Jana

H-Index: 3

Sushanta Kumar Panda
Sushanta Kumar Panda

H-Index: 22

Use of uncoupled ductile damage models for fracture forming limit prediction during two-stage forming of aluminum sheet material

Journal of Manufacturing Processes


Shamik Basak
Shamik Basak

H-Index: 11

Sushanta Kumar Panda
Sushanta Kumar Panda

H-Index: 22

Numerical simulation on end expansion of tubes fabricated through friction stir welding and validation of fracture behaviour

CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology


Debolina Sen
Debolina Sen

H-Index: 0

Sushanta Kumar Panda
Sushanta Kumar Panda

H-Index: 22

Investigation of the microstructure and mechanical behaviour of resistance spot-welded CR210 steel joints using graphene as an interlayer

Metals and Materials International


Effect of particle size on additive manufacturing of complex architecture of silicon carbide

Ceramics International


Influence of strain path dependent microstructural evolution on corrosion behaviour in Al-Li alloy

Materials Letters


Controlled directionality in 3D printing of graphite-reinforced polymer composite with enhanced mechanical properties

Composites Science and Technology


Effect of Circular Hole Discontinuities on Crushing Characteristics of Combined Geometry Shells of Tailor Welded Blanks

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance


3D printing of a biocompatible nanoink derived from waste animal bones

ACS Applied Bio Materials


A finite element coupled visco-plastic self-consistent simulation to predict micro-texture and anisotropy evolution during single point incremental forming in Al-Li alloy

Journal of Materials Processing Technology


Application of non-associated flow rule for prediction of nonuniform material flow during deep drawing of tailor welded blanks

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture


Shamik Basak
Shamik Basak

H-Index: 11

Sushanta Kumar Panda
Sushanta Kumar Panda

H-Index: 22

Partha Saha
Partha Saha

H-Index: 17

Deep drawability of electron beam welded tailored blanks of commercially pure titanium thin sheets

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials: Design and Applications


Sushanta Kumar Panda
Sushanta Kumar Panda

H-Index: 22

Gour Gopal Roy
Gour Gopal Roy

H-Index: 17

See List of Professors in Sushanta Kumar Panda University(Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur)

