Supannikar Tawinwung

About Supannikar Tawinwung

Supannikar Tawinwung, With an exceptional h-index of 6 and a recent h-index of 6 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Chulalongkorn University, specializes in the field of Cancer immunotherapy, CAR T cells, angiotensin.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Silk fibroin-based hydrogel as injectable carrier for prolonged immunization of plant-based COVID-19 subunit vaccine

Development of a compact bidirectional promoter-driven dual chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) construct targeting CD19 and CD20 in the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system

Effects of Cannabidiol on the Functions of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells in Hematologic Malignancies

Effect of plant produced Anti-hIL-6 receptor antibody blockade on pSTAT3 expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

A novel anti-membrane CD30 single-chain variable fragment discovered from the human phage library: A potential targeted immunotherapy

Novel xeno-free and serum-free culturing condition to improve piggyBac transposon-based CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell production and characteristics

Improving cytokine-induced killer cell expansion using a gas-permeable culture method for clinical-scale production

Author Correction: Effect of plant produced Anti-hIL-6 receptor antibody blockade on pSTAT3 expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Supannikar Tawinwung Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Supannikar Tawinwung Skills & Research Interests

Cancer immunotherapy

CAR T cells


Top articles of Supannikar Tawinwung

Silk fibroin-based hydrogel as injectable carrier for prolonged immunization of plant-based COVID-19 subunit vaccine

Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology


Waranyoo Phoolcharoen
Waranyoo Phoolcharoen

H-Index: 15

Supannikar Tawinwung
Supannikar Tawinwung

H-Index: 4

Development of a compact bidirectional promoter-driven dual chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) construct targeting CD19 and CD20 in the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system

Journal for ImmunoTherapy of Cancer


Supannikar Tawinwung
Supannikar Tawinwung

H-Index: 4

Nattiya Hirankarn
Nattiya Hirankarn

H-Index: 24

Effects of Cannabidiol on the Functions of Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells in Hematologic Malignancies

Cannabis and Cannabinoid Research


Sornkanok Vimolmangkang
Sornkanok Vimolmangkang

H-Index: 14

Supannikar Tawinwung
Supannikar Tawinwung

H-Index: 4

Effect of plant produced Anti-hIL-6 receptor antibody blockade on pSTAT3 expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Scientific Reports


A novel anti-membrane CD30 single-chain variable fragment discovered from the human phage library: A potential targeted immunotherapy

Plos one


Supannikar Tawinwung
Supannikar Tawinwung

H-Index: 4

Novel xeno-free and serum-free culturing condition to improve piggyBac transposon-based CD19 chimeric antigen receptor T-cell production and characteristics



Supannikar Tawinwung
Supannikar Tawinwung

H-Index: 4

Nattiya Hirankarn
Nattiya Hirankarn

H-Index: 24

Improving cytokine-induced killer cell expansion using a gas-permeable culture method for clinical-scale production

Asian Pac J Allergy Immunol


Author Correction: Effect of plant produced Anti-hIL-6 receptor antibody blockade on pSTAT3 expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells

Scientific Reports


Potential roles of hyaluronic acid in in vivo CAR T cell reprogramming for cancer immunotherapy


Supannikar Tawinwung
Supannikar Tawinwung

H-Index: 4

An in vitro comparison of costimulatory domains in chimeric antigen receptor T cell for breast cancer treatment

Journal of Immunology Research


Nattiya Hirankarn
Nattiya Hirankarn

H-Index: 24

Supannikar Tawinwung
Supannikar Tawinwung

H-Index: 4

Triple-negative breast cancer influences a mixed M1/M2 macrophage phenotype associated with tumor aggressiveness

PLoS One


MicroRNA‐mediated metabolic reprogramming of chimeric antigen receptor T cells

Immunology and cell biology


Immunomodulatory effect of standardized C. asiatica extract on a promotion of regulatory T cells in rats

BMC complementary medicine and therapies


Supannikar Tawinwung
Supannikar Tawinwung

H-Index: 4

Phisit Khemawoot
Phisit Khemawoot

H-Index: 11

The Landscape of Biologics Drug System in Thailand-สถานการณ์ ระบบ ยา ชีว วัตถุ ใน ประเทศไทย

Journal of Health Science of Thailand


See List of Professors in Supannikar Tawinwung University(Chulalongkorn University)