Subhas Khajanchi

About Subhas Khajanchi

Subhas Khajanchi, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Presidency University, specializes in the field of Mathematical Biology, Mathematical Modeling, Cancer Dynamics, Ecological Modeling, Infectious Diseases.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Modeling the dynamics of mixed immunotherapy and chemotherapy for the treatment of immunogenic tumor

A mathematical model for tumor-immune competitive system with multiple time delays

Roles of astrocytes and prions in Alzheimer’s disease: insights from mathematical modeling

Dynamics of intraguild predation with intraspecies competition

A Mathematical Model for COVID-19 Pandemic with the Impact of Economic Development

A tumor–immune interaction model with the effect of impulse therapy

A dynamic multistate and control model of the COVID-19 pandemic

Application of non-singular kernel in a tumor model with strong Allee effect

Subhas Khajanchi Information



Department of Mathematics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Subhas Khajanchi Skills & Research Interests

Mathematical Biology

Mathematical Modeling

Cancer Dynamics

Ecological Modeling

Infectious Diseases

Top articles of Subhas Khajanchi

Modeling the dynamics of mixed immunotherapy and chemotherapy for the treatment of immunogenic tumor

The European Physical Journal Plus


Santosh Biswas
Santosh Biswas

H-Index: 5

Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

A mathematical model for tumor-immune competitive system with multiple time delays

Chaos, Solitons & Fractals


Roles of astrocytes and prions in Alzheimer’s disease: insights from mathematical modeling

Journal of Biological Physics


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Dynamics of intraguild predation with intraspecies competition

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

A Mathematical Model for COVID-19 Pandemic with the Impact of Economic Development


Jayanta Mondal
Jayanta Mondal

H-Index: 2

Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

A tumor–immune interaction model with the effect of impulse therapy

Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Bashir Ahmad
Bashir Ahmad

H-Index: 55

A dynamic multistate and control model of the COVID-19 pandemic

Journal of Public Health


Pauline Van Den Driessche
Pauline Van Den Driessche

H-Index: 46

Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Application of non-singular kernel in a tumor model with strong Allee effect

Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Spatiotemporal dynamics of a predator-prey system with fear effect

International Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Optimisation


Optimal treatment strategies using dendritic cell vaccination for a tumor model with parameter identifiability

Journal of Biological Systems


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Jayanta Mondal
Jayanta Mondal

H-Index: 2

Modeling the influence of vaccination coverage on the dynamics of COVID-19 pandemic with the effect of environmental contamination

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Mathematical analysis of the dynamics of a fractional‐order tuberculosis epidemic in a patchy environment under the influence of re‐infection

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences


Dynamics of an HTLV-I infection model with delayed CTLs immune response

Applied Mathematics and Computation


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Exploring dynamical complexity of a cannibalistic eco‐epidemiological model with multiple time delay

Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences


How do the contaminated environment influence the transmission dynamics of COVID-19 pandemic?

The European Physical Journal Special Topics


Jayanta Mondal
Jayanta Mondal

H-Index: 2

Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

An eco-epidemiological model with the impact of fear

Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Is the Allee effect relevant to stochastic cancer model?

Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Modeling optimal vaccination strategy for dengue epidemic model: a case study of India

Physica Scripta


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

A delayed eco-epidemiological model with weak Allee effect and disease in prey

International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos


Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

Impact of awareness program on diabetes mellitus described by fractional-order model solving by homotopy analysis method

Ricerche di Matematica


Santosh Biswas
Santosh Biswas

H-Index: 5

Subhas Khajanchi
Subhas Khajanchi

H-Index: 18

See List of Professors in Subhas Khajanchi University(Presidency University)

