Stoney Brooks

Stoney Brooks

Middle Tennessee State University

H-index: 21

North America-United States

About Stoney Brooks

Stoney Brooks, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 20 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Middle Tennessee State University, specializes in the field of Social media, technostress, negative effects.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

IT Professionals' Turnaway Intention and the Role of Technostress

Risky combination: the role of managerial perceptions of social media use and entrepreneurial orientation on SME innovation

Digital Uncertainty: Exploring Source Credibility in the Context of Generative Artificial Intelligence

Life Satisfaction: Still a Key to Internet & Social Media Addiction?

Evaluating website quality: which decision criteria do consumers use to evaluate website quality?

Applying a structured industry model development process to support digital transformation efforts: A case study of the online learning industry

Does multitasking computer self-efficacy mitigate the impact of social media affordances on overload and fatigue among professionals?

Normative commitment in an information systems project environment

Stoney Brooks Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Google Scholar

Stoney Brooks Skills & Research Interests

Social media


negative effects

Top articles of Stoney Brooks

IT Professionals' Turnaway Intention and the Role of Technostress

ACM SIGMIS Database: the DATABASE for Advances in Information Systems


Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Timothy Greer
Timothy Greer

H-Index: 5

Risky combination: the role of managerial perceptions of social media use and entrepreneurial orientation on SME innovation

Management Decision


Digital Uncertainty: Exploring Source Credibility in the Context of Generative Artificial Intelligence


Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Life Satisfaction: Still a Key to Internet & Social Media Addiction?


Phil Longstreet
Phil Longstreet

H-Index: 8

Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Evaluating website quality: which decision criteria do consumers use to evaluate website quality?

Information Technology & People


Phil Longstreet
Phil Longstreet

H-Index: 8

Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Applying a structured industry model development process to support digital transformation efforts: A case study of the online learning industry

Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations (JECO)


Michael A Erskine
Michael A Erskine

H-Index: 8

Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Does multitasking computer self-efficacy mitigate the impact of social media affordances on overload and fatigue among professionals?

Information Technology & People


Eoin Whelan
Eoin Whelan

H-Index: 16

Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Normative commitment in an information systems project environment

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business


Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Crowdfunding success through social media: Going beyond entrepreneurial orientation in the context of small and medium-sized enterprises

Journal of business research


Arvin Sahaym
Arvin Sahaym

H-Index: 15

Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

An empirical study of techno-stressors, literacy facilitation, burnout, and turnover intention as experienced by K-12 teachers

Computers & Education


Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

From driver assistance to fully-autonomous: Examining consumer acceptance of autonomous vehicle technologies

Journal of Consumer Marketing


Michael A Erskine
Michael A Erskine

H-Index: 8

Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Developing an IT career anchor fit construct: An organizational equilibrium theory approach


Michael A Erskine
Michael A Erskine

H-Index: 8

Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Is boredom proneness related to social media overload and fatigue? A stress–strain–outcome approach

Internet Research


Eoin Whelan
Eoin Whelan

H-Index: 16

Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

The Information Systems name game revisited: Still muddled 20 years later

Journal of Computer Information Systems


Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Human-like and system-like trust in the sharing economy: The role of context and humanness

Technological Forecasting and Social Change


Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Phil Longstreet
Phil Longstreet

H-Index: 8

Technology addictions and Technostress: An examination of the US and China

Journal of Organizational and End User Computing (JOEUC)


Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Christoph Schneider
Christoph Schneider

H-Index: 6

Exhaustion from Information System Career Experience: Are the Implications for Turn-Away Intention Different for Millennials?

Mis Quarterly


Emotional dissonance and the information technology professional: A methodological replication study

AIS Transactions on Replication Research


Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

Applying the SOBC paradigm to explain how social media overload affects academic performance

Computers & Education


Eoin Whelan
Eoin Whelan

H-Index: 16

Stoney Brooks
Stoney Brooks

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Stoney Brooks University(Middle Tennessee State University)

