Stephen Hynes

About Stephen Hynes

Stephen Hynes, With an exceptional h-index of 42 and a recent h-index of 30 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National University of Ireland, Galway, specializes in the field of marine agriculture economics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Value of a Sea View: Hedonic Estimates Using 3D Simulation and Natural Language Processing

Advancing testing of the genuine savings hypothesis: The use of comprehensive measures of technical change for Ireland

Mainstreaming biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people in Europe and Central Asia: insights from IPBES to inform the CBD post-2020 agenda

Abiteboul, Serge and Gilles Dowek.(2020), The Age of Algorithms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Adams, Tim.(2003),“Question Time," The Guardian (30 November). Online …

Conceptualising Marine Biodiversity Mainstreaming as an Enabler of Regional Sustainable Blue Growth: The Case of the European Atlantic Area

Multilevel meta-analysis of stated preference values of marine ecosystem services in China

People do care about the deep sea. A comment on Jamieson et al.(2020)(vol 79, pg 2336, 2022)

Protecting coastal infrastructure in the face of increasing climate related pressures: A cost-benefit analysis of maintaining a tidal kayaking feature in Ireland

Stephen Hynes Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Stephen Hynes Skills & Research Interests

marine agriculture economics

Top articles of Stephen Hynes

The Value of a Sea View: Hedonic Estimates Using 3D Simulation and Natural Language Processing

Land Economics


Tom Gillespie
Tom Gillespie

H-Index: 6

Stephen Hynes
Stephen Hynes

H-Index: 26

Advancing testing of the genuine savings hypothesis: The use of comprehensive measures of technical change for Ireland

Journal of Environmental Management


Mainstreaming biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people in Europe and Central Asia: insights from IPBES to inform the CBD post-2020 agenda

Ecosystems and People


Abiteboul, Serge and Gilles Dowek.(2020), The Age of Algorithms. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Adams, Tim.(2003),“Question Time," The Guardian (30 November). Online …

Mapping the Posthuman


Conceptualising Marine Biodiversity Mainstreaming as an Enabler of Regional Sustainable Blue Growth: The Case of the European Atlantic Area



Multilevel meta-analysis of stated preference values of marine ecosystem services in China

Marine Development


People do care about the deep sea. A comment on Jamieson et al.(2020)(vol 79, pg 2336, 2022)

ICES Journal of Marine Science


Stephen Hynes
Stephen Hynes

H-Index: 26

Protecting coastal infrastructure in the face of increasing climate related pressures: A cost-benefit analysis of maintaining a tidal kayaking feature in Ireland

Marine Policy


Stephen Hynes
Stephen Hynes

H-Index: 26

Modelling domestic marine and coastal tourism demand using logit and travel cost count models

Economic Analysis and Policy


Stephen Hynes
Stephen Hynes

H-Index: 26

Ireland’s Ocean Economy, 2023


Stephen Hynes
Stephen Hynes

H-Index: 26

Ecosystem Service Valuation of Blue Carbon Habitats: A Review for Saltmarshes and Seagrasses


Stephen Hynes
Stephen Hynes

H-Index: 26

Farm-Level Assessments of Greenhouse Gas Marginal Abatement Cost Curve Emissions: Understanding the Implications of Interactions and Heterogeneity


Stephen Hynes
Stephen Hynes

H-Index: 26

Pricing method and empirical study of China’s sea area resources assets

Journal of Coastal Conservation


Development of a land-sea coordination degree index for coastal regions of China

Ocean & Coastal Management


Are consumers willing to pay for beef that has been produced without the use of uncontrolled burning methods? A contingent valuation study in North-West Spain

Economic Analysis and Policy


Overseas visitor demand for marine and coastal tourism

Marine Policy


Stephen Hynes
Stephen Hynes

H-Index: 26

Reassessing Ireland’s economic development through the lens of sustainable development

European Review of Economic History


Demand for Domestic Marine and Coastal Tourism

Hosted By The School of Hospitality and Tourism


Stephen Hynes
Stephen Hynes

H-Index: 26

Assessing public preferences for deep sea ecosystem conservation: a choice experiment in Norway and Scotland

Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy


Understanding planting preferences–A case-study of the afforestation choices of farmers in Ireland

Land Use Policy


See List of Professors in Stephen Hynes University(National University of Ireland, Galway)