stefan peiffer

About stefan peiffer

stefan peiffer, With an exceptional h-index of 41 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universität Bayreuth,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Sulfate affinity controls phosphate sorption and the proto-transformation of schwertmannite

Selenium enrichment, partitioning and leachability along semi-arid soils of NE Punjab, India

Subsurface Fe (II) affects concentrations of dissolved O2 in streamwater

UV-weathering affects heteroaggregation and subsequent sedimentation of polystyrene microplastic particles with ferrihydrite

Controls on recent pyrite formation in aquatic systems and its relevance for environmental processes

A rapid method to quantify sub-micrometer polystyrene particles in aqueous model systems by TOC analysis

Kinetic constraints for the formation of microniches for microaerophilic Fe (II) oxidation

Impact of iron addition on phosphorus dynamics in sediments of a shallow peat lake 10 years after treatment

stefan peiffer Information



BayCEER Department of Hydrology



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Top articles of stefan peiffer

Sulfate affinity controls phosphate sorption and the proto-transformation of schwertmannite

Chemical Geology


Selenium enrichment, partitioning and leachability along semi-arid soils of NE Punjab, India

Environmental Earth Sciences


Susanta Paikaray
Susanta Paikaray

H-Index: 14

Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Subsurface Fe (II) affects concentrations of dissolved O2 in streamwater


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

UV-weathering affects heteroaggregation and subsequent sedimentation of polystyrene microplastic particles with ferrihydrite


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Controls on recent pyrite formation in aquatic systems and its relevance for environmental processes


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

A rapid method to quantify sub-micrometer polystyrene particles in aqueous model systems by TOC analysis

Microplastics and Nanoplastics


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Kinetic constraints for the formation of microniches for microaerophilic Fe (II) oxidation

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Andreas Kappler
Andreas Kappler

H-Index: 58

Impact of iron addition on phosphorus dynamics in sediments of a shallow peat lake 10 years after treatment

Water Research


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Thilo Behrends
Thilo Behrends

H-Index: 21

Benefits and risks of adding iron-containing water treatment residuals to lakes for reducing the internal phosphorus loading

Goldschmidt 2023 Conference


Thilo Behrends
Thilo Behrends

H-Index: 21

Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Schwertmannite as a new sorbent for phosphate immobilization: The role of pH and sulfate release

Goldschmidt 2023 Conference


Andreas Kappler
Andreas Kappler

H-Index: 58

Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Fe solid phase chemistry and its effect on P retention in the sediment of a eutrophic peat lake 10 years after Fe amendment

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Development of a novel sizing approach for passive mine water treatment systems based on ferric iron sedimentation kinetics

Water Research


Martin Bauer
Martin Bauer

H-Index: 3

Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Transformations of ferrihydrite–extracellular polymeric substance coprecipitates driven by dissolved sulfide: Interrelated effects of carbon and sulfur loadings

Environmental Science & Technology


Ferrihydrite coating reduces microplastic induced soil water repellency

Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts


Pascal Benard
Pascal Benard

H-Index: 8

Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Riparian microtopography affects event‐driven stream DOC concentrations and DOM quality in a forested headwater catchment

Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Sedimentation Kinetics of Hydrous Ferric Oxides in Ferruginous, Circumneutral Mine Water

Environmental Science & Technology


Martin Bauer
Martin Bauer

H-Index: 3

Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

High-resolution DOC measurements indicate seasonal differences of the contribution of sub-catchments to DOC export

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Systematic evaluation of physical parameters affecting the terminal settling velocity of microplastic particles in lakes using CFD

Frontiers in Environmental Science


Sulfidation of ferric (hydr) oxides and its implication on contaminants transformation: a review


Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

Di He
Di He

H-Index: 2

Arsenic fractionation and mobilization in agricultural soils of NE Punjab, India

Applied Geochemistry


Susanta Paikaray
Susanta Paikaray

H-Index: 14

Stefan Peiffer
Stefan Peiffer

H-Index: 25

See List of Professors in stefan peiffer University(Universität Bayreuth)