Sreevatsa Anantharamu

About Sreevatsa Anantharamu

Sreevatsa Anantharamu, With an exceptional h-index of 5 and a recent h-index of 5 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, specializes in the field of High Performance Computing, Numerical methods.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Direct numerical simulation-based vibroacoustic response of plates excited by turbulent wall-pressure fluctuations

Response of plates and compliant walls in turbulent channel flow

An arbitrarily high-order, non-dissipative, and kinetic-energy conserving HDG numerical method to simulate incompressible flows in complex geometries and its application to PTV …

Kinematic Decomposition of Multi-Pulse Shake-the-Box Particle Tracking Velocimetry Data

Efficient implementation of the hybridized Raviart-Thomas mixed method by converting flux subspaces into stabilizations

Fluid-structure interaction of a viscoelastic compliant wall in turbulent channel flow

Inferring volumetric data from PTV measurements of incompressible flows

Arnoldi-based orthonormal and hierarchical divergence-free polynomial basis and its applications

Sreevatsa Anantharamu Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Sreevatsa Anantharamu Skills & Research Interests

High Performance Computing

Numerical methods

Top articles of Sreevatsa Anantharamu

Direct numerical simulation-based vibroacoustic response of plates excited by turbulent wall-pressure fluctuations

Journal of Fluid Mechanics


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

Response of plates and compliant walls in turbulent channel flow

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

An arbitrarily high-order, non-dissipative, and kinetic-energy conserving HDG numerical method to simulate incompressible flows in complex geometries and its application to PTV …

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Kinematic Decomposition of Multi-Pulse Shake-the-Box Particle Tracking Velocimetry Data

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Efficient implementation of the hybridized Raviart-Thomas mixed method by converting flux subspaces into stabilizations

arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.15346


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Bernardo Cockburn
Bernardo Cockburn

H-Index: 52

Fluid-structure interaction of a viscoelastic compliant wall in turbulent channel flow

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

Inferring volumetric data from PTV measurements of incompressible flows

Bulletin of the American Physical Society


Arnoldi-based orthonormal and hierarchical divergence-free polynomial basis and its applications

arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.07889


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

Turbulent fluid-structure-acoustic interaction of an elastic plate in turbulent channel flow for different plate boundary conditions

APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

Parallel numerical methods and data-driven analysis techniques for turbulent fluid-structure interaction


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Response of a plate in turbulent channel flow: analysis of fluid–solid coupling

Journal of Fluids and Structures


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

Analysis of wall-pressure fluctuation sources from direct numerical simulation of turbulent channel flow

Journal of Fluid Mechanics


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

A variational level set methodology without reinitialization for the prediction of equilibrium interfaces over arbitrary solid surfaces

Journal of Computational Physics


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

Sound radiated by a compliant wall in turbulent channel flow

APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

Compliant wall excitation in turbulent channel flow: A data-driven analysis of the fluid-solid coupling and wall-pressure sources using SPOD

APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts


Sreevatsa Anantharamu
Sreevatsa Anantharamu

H-Index: 3

Krishnan Mahesh
Krishnan Mahesh

H-Index: 27

See List of Professors in Sreevatsa Anantharamu University(University of Minnesota-Twin Cities)

