Soumita Chel

About Soumita Chel

Soumita Chel, With an exceptional h-index of 2 and a recent h-index of 2 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, specializes in the field of Machine Learning, Cluster Analysis, Statistical Analysis, Cell Biology, Cancer Genomics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Mapping of structural arrangement of cells and collective calcium transients: an integrated framework combining live cell imaging using confocal microscopy and UMAP-assisted …

Analytics Pipeline for Visualization of Single Cell RNA Sequencing Data from Brochoaveolar Fluid in COVID-19 Patients: Assessment of Neuro Fuzzy-C-Means and HDBSCAN

Mathematical modeling of viral infection dynamics and immune response in SARS-CoV-2: A computational framework for testing drug efficacy

Quantitative Confocal Microscopy for Grouping of Dose–Response Data: Deciphering Calcium Sequestration and Subsequent Cell Death in the Presence of Excess Norepinephrine

Dimension Reduction and Clustering of Single Cell Calcium Spiking: Comparison of t-SNE and UMAP

Leave against Medical Advice in Children: Rural Indian Perspective

Detection of Specific Templates in Calcium Spiking in HeLa Cells Using Hierarchical DBSCAN: Clustering and Visualization of CellDrug Interaction at Multiple Doses

Soumita Chel Information



Research Fellow



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Soumita Chel Skills & Research Interests

Machine Learning

Cluster Analysis

Statistical Analysis

Cell Biology

Cancer Genomics

Top articles of Soumita Chel

Mapping of structural arrangement of cells and collective calcium transients: an integrated framework combining live cell imaging using confocal microscopy and UMAP-assisted …

Integrative Biology


Analytics Pipeline for Visualization of Single Cell RNA Sequencing Data from Brochoaveolar Fluid in COVID-19 Patients: Assessment of Neuro Fuzzy-C-Means and HDBSCAN


Mathematical modeling of viral infection dynamics and immune response in SARS-CoV-2: A computational framework for testing drug efficacy


Quantitative Confocal Microscopy for Grouping of Dose–Response Data: Deciphering Calcium Sequestration and Subsequent Cell Death in the Presence of Excess Norepinephrine

SLAS TECHNOLOGY: Translating Life Sciences Innovation


Dimension Reduction and Clustering of Single Cell Calcium Spiking: Comparison of t-SNE and UMAP


Leave against Medical Advice in Children: Rural Indian Perspective

Journal of Tropical Pediatrics


Mihir Sarkar
Mihir Sarkar

H-Index: 21

Soumita Chel
Soumita Chel

H-Index: 1

Detection of Specific Templates in Calcium Spiking in HeLa Cells Using Hierarchical DBSCAN: Clustering and Visualization of CellDrug Interaction at Multiple Doses


Soumita Chel
Soumita Chel

H-Index: 1

Lopamudra Giri
Lopamudra Giri

H-Index: 9

See List of Professors in Soumita Chel University(Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad)