Sony Kusumasondjaja

About Sony Kusumasondjaja

Sony Kusumasondjaja, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Airlangga, specializes in the field of Marketing.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Multiple group membership and executive function in a socioeconomically diverse sample

Perbandingan Social Media Engagement pada Konten Instagram Universitas di Indonesia dan di Luar Negeri: Peran Visual Aesthetics dan Message Orientations

Perbandingan efektivitas healthy food advertising di instagram dengan perbedaan visual aesthetics dan information quality

Pengaruh Perceived Trustworthiness Of EWOM, Percieved Value Dan Customer Engagement Terhadap Purchase Intention

The effectiveness of using instagram content to promote charitable crowdfunding campaign

Building social media engagement on Instagram by using visual aesthetics and message orientation strategy: A content analysis on Instagram content of Indonesia tourism destinations

Gift Giving Behavior Among Millennials, the Use of Photo Elicitation Interview To Discover Consumer Insight

Exploring the role of visual aesthetics and presentation modality in luxury fashion brand communication on Instagram

Sony Kusumasondjaja Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Sony Kusumasondjaja Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Sony Kusumasondjaja

Multiple group membership and executive function in a socioeconomically diverse sample

Scientific reports


Perbandingan Social Media Engagement pada Konten Instagram Universitas di Indonesia dan di Luar Negeri: Peran Visual Aesthetics dan Message Orientations

Prosiding Seminar Nasional Forum Manajemen Indonesia-e-ISSN 3026-4499


Sony Kusumasondjaja
Sony Kusumasondjaja

H-Index: 7

Perbandingan efektivitas healthy food advertising di instagram dengan perbedaan visual aesthetics dan information quality

INOBIS: Jurnal Inovasi Bisnis dan Manajemen Indonesia


Sony Kusumasondjaja
Sony Kusumasondjaja

H-Index: 7

Pengaruh Perceived Trustworthiness Of EWOM, Percieved Value Dan Customer Engagement Terhadap Purchase Intention

Equilibrium: Jurnal Ekonomi-Manajemen-Akuntansi


Sri Hartini
Sri Hartini

H-Index: 5

Sony Kusumasondjaja
Sony Kusumasondjaja

H-Index: 7

The effectiveness of using instagram content to promote charitable crowdfunding campaign

Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis


Sony Kusumasondjaja
Sony Kusumasondjaja

H-Index: 7

Building social media engagement on Instagram by using visual aesthetics and message orientation strategy: A content analysis on Instagram content of Indonesia tourism destinations

Journal of International Conference Proceedings


Sony Kusumasondjaja
Sony Kusumasondjaja

H-Index: 7

Gift Giving Behavior Among Millennials, the Use of Photo Elicitation Interview To Discover Consumer Insight

ASEAN Marketing Journal


Sony Kusumasondjaja
Sony Kusumasondjaja

H-Index: 7

Exploring the role of visual aesthetics and presentation modality in luxury fashion brand communication on Instagram

Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management: An International Journal


Sony Kusumasondjaja
Sony Kusumasondjaja

H-Index: 7

Anger punishes, compassion forgives: how discrete emotions mitigate double standards in consumer ethical judgment

Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services


Fandy Tjiptono
Fandy Tjiptono

H-Index: 37

Sony Kusumasondjaja
Sony Kusumasondjaja

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Sony Kusumasondjaja University(Universitas Airlangga)