Silke Severmann

About Silke Severmann

Silke Severmann, With an exceptional h-index of 29 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Iron isotope fractionation during sulfide-promoted reductive dissolution of iron (oxyhydr) oxide minerals

Volcanogenic fluxes of iron from the seafloor in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica

Dominance of benthic fluxes in the oceanic beryllium budget and implications for paleo-denudation records

Geochemical conditions regulating chromium preservation in marine sediments

A Potential Benthic Source of Nutrient Iron Driving Productivity in the Amundsen Sea in the Context of Current and Past Glacial Retreat

Iron Sources and Cycling over the Cenozoic: Evolution of the Iron Cycle in the South Pacific and Southern Ocean

Uranium isotope cycling on the highly productive Peruvian margin

Reconstructing the paleoceanographic and redox conditions responsible for variations in uranium content in North American Devonian black shales

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Top articles of Silke Severmann

Iron isotope fractionation during sulfide-promoted reductive dissolution of iron (oxyhydr) oxide minerals

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Volcanogenic fluxes of iron from the seafloor in the Amundsen Sea, West Antarctica

Marine Chemistry


Julia Wellner
Julia Wellner

H-Index: 20

Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Dominance of benthic fluxes in the oceanic beryllium budget and implications for paleo-denudation records

Science Advances


Geochemical conditions regulating chromium preservation in marine sediments

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


A Potential Benthic Source of Nutrient Iron Driving Productivity in the Amundsen Sea in the Context of Current and Past Glacial Retreat

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Julia Wellner
Julia Wellner

H-Index: 20

Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Iron Sources and Cycling over the Cenozoic: Evolution of the Iron Cycle in the South Pacific and Southern Ocean

2022 Goldschmidt Conference


Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Uranium isotope cycling on the highly productive Peruvian margin

Chemical Geology


Reconstructing the paleoceanographic and redox conditions responsible for variations in uranium content in North American Devonian black shales

Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology


Natascha Riedinger
Natascha Riedinger

H-Index: 20

Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Variable local basin hydrography and productivity control the uranium isotope paleoredox proxy in anoxic black shales

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Significance of 56Fe depletions in late-Archean shales and pyrite

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Cenozoic Evolution of the Iron Cycle across the South Pacific and Southern Ocean

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Expanding and improving the thallium isotope redox proxy for low-oxygen open ocean conditions

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Siqi Li
Siqi Li

H-Index: 12

Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Sediment biogeochemistry and trace metal fluxes near the Thwaites and Pine Island Glaciers, Amundsen Sea

Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July


Julia Wellner
Julia Wellner

H-Index: 20

Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Isotopically light Cd in sediments underlying oxygen deficient zones

Frontiers in Earth Science


Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Coastal hypoxia and eutrophication as key controls on benthic release and water column dynamics of iron and manganese

Limnology and Oceanography


New Fe isotope insights into the oxidation history of a Neoarchean Earth

AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts


Using authentic data from NSF’s ocean observatories initiative in undergraduate teaching



Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Stephanie Murphy
Stephanie Murphy

H-Index: 0

Uranium isotopes as a proxy for primary depositional redox conditions in organic-rich marine systems

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Silke Severmann
Silke Severmann

H-Index: 21

Natascha Riedinger
Natascha Riedinger

H-Index: 20

See List of Professors in Silke Severmann University(Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey)