Signe Hjelen Stige

About Signe Hjelen Stige

Signe Hjelen Stige, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 13 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitetet i Bergen, specializes in the field of trauma, recovery, client perspective, qualitative psychotherapy research, deliberate practice.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Detecting child sexual abuse in child and adolescent psychiatry: a survey study of healthcare professionals’ assessment practice

Training students to become responsive therapists: implications from a sequential mixed-methods study on situations that therapists find challenging

Clients’ experiences with a Trauma-sensitive mindfulness and compassion group intervention: a first-person perspective on change and change mechanisms

Change despite obstacles: A mixed-methods pilot study of a trauma-sensitive mindfulness and compassion intervention

How do young adults experience and understand the process of developing a first episode of psychosis? A qualitative exploration

Krevjande situasjonar i psykisk helsevern for born og unge–behandlarar si erfaring med og haldning til målretta trening og virtuell røyndom

Signe Hjelen Stige1*, Tonje Barca2, Kristina Osland Lavik3 and Christian Moltu3

Does it get easier over time? Psychologists’ experiences of working with suicidal patients

Signe Hjelen Stige Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Signe Hjelen Stige Skills & Research Interests



client perspective

qualitative psychotherapy research

deliberate practice

Top articles of Signe Hjelen Stige

Detecting child sexual abuse in child and adolescent psychiatry: a survey study of healthcare professionals’ assessment practice

International Journal of Mental Health Systems


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Per-Einar Binder
Per-Einar Binder

H-Index: 22

Training students to become responsive therapists: implications from a sequential mixed-methods study on situations that therapists find challenging

BMC Medical Education


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen
Yngvild Sørebø Danielsen

H-Index: 9

Clients’ experiences with a Trauma-sensitive mindfulness and compassion group intervention: a first-person perspective on change and change mechanisms

Psychotherapy Research


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Change despite obstacles: A mixed-methods pilot study of a trauma-sensitive mindfulness and compassion intervention

European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

How do young adults experience and understand the process of developing a first episode of psychosis? A qualitative exploration



Krevjande situasjonar i psykisk helsevern for born og unge–behandlarar si erfaring med og haldning til målretta trening og virtuell røyndom


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Signe Hjelen Stige1*, Tonje Barca2, Kristina Osland Lavik3 and Christian Moltu3

Individualized Psychotherapy Treatment of Young People With Mental Disorders


Fredrik Falkenström
Fredrik Falkenström

H-Index: 21

Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Does it get easier over time? Psychologists’ experiences of working with suicidal patients

Death studies


Elisabeth Schanche
Elisabeth Schanche

H-Index: 12

Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Norwegian Firefighters’ Experiences of Rescue Work at Severe Traffic Accidents-A Qualitative Study


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Possible paths to increase detection of child sexual abuse in child and adolescent psychiatry: a meta-synthesis of survivors’ and health professionals’ experiences of …


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Per-Einar Binder
Per-Einar Binder

H-Index: 22

Goal management training for adults with ADHD–clients’ experiences with a group-based intervention

BMC psychiatry


Negotiating System Requirements to Secure Client Engagement–Therapist Strategies in Adolescent Psychotherapy Initiated by Others

Frontiers in Psychology


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Combining mindfulness and compassion in the treatment of complex trauma–a theoretical exploration

European Journal of Trauma & Dissociation


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Finding one's footing when everyone has an opinion. negotiating an acceptable identity after sexual assault

Frontiers in psychology


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

What do survivors of child sexual abuse believe will facilitate early disclosure of sexual abuse?

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Parenthood—lost and found: Exploring parents’ experiences of receiving a program in emotion focused skills training

Frontiers in psychology


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Per-Einar Binder
Per-Einar Binder

H-Index: 22

Clients’ perspective on predetermined time limits for therapy in the context of the Norwegian welfare system



Barriers and facilitators in adolescent psychotherapy initiated by adults—Experiences that differentiate adolescents’ trajectories through mental health care

Frontiers in Psychology


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

Finding One’s Footing When Everyone Has an Opinion. Negotiating an Acceptable Identity After Sexual


Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

The nature of youth in the eyes of mental-health care workers: therapists’ conceptualization of adolescents coming to therapy at others’ initiative

International Journal of Mental Health Systems


Marius Veseth
Marius Veseth

H-Index: 15

Signe Hjelen Stige
Signe Hjelen Stige

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Signe Hjelen Stige University(Universitetet i Bergen)

