Sibel Silici

About Sibel Silici

Sibel Silici, With an exceptional h-index of 46 and a recent h-index of 32 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Erciyes Üniversitesi, specializes in the field of bal, polen, arı sütü propolis, farmakolojik aktivite.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Interaction of olive oil-based propolis and caffeic acid phenethyl ester with methylprednisolone used in the treatment of human acute myeloid leukemia

Protective role of olive oil extract of propolis on short and long‐term administration of tamoxifen in rats

Effect of Honeybee Products on Exercise Performance and Blood Chemistry Characteristics in Gymnasts

The effect of propolis on the bond strength of composite resin to enamel after intracoronal bleaching with different bleaching agents

Toxicity of propylene glycol extract of propolis on central nervous system and liver in pregnant and neonatal rats

Dietary chestnut bee pollen as an immunostimulant for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Effects on the growth, haematological values, immune response, oxidant/antioxidant …

Effects of olive oil-based propolis, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, and methylprednisolone on differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells

Does dry or fresh bee bread contain clinically significant, and antimicrobial agents resistant microorganisms?

Sibel Silici Information



Biyoteknoloji Profesörü



Citations(since 2020)


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Sibel Silici Skills & Research Interests



arı sütü propolis

farmakolojik aktivite

Top articles of Sibel Silici

Interaction of olive oil-based propolis and caffeic acid phenethyl ester with methylprednisolone used in the treatment of human acute myeloid leukemia

Molecular Biology Reports


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Protective role of olive oil extract of propolis on short and long‐term administration of tamoxifen in rats

Environmental Toxicology


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Effect of Honeybee Products on Exercise Performance and Blood Chemistry Characteristics in Gymnasts

Spor Bilimleri Araştırmaları Dergisi


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

The effect of propolis on the bond strength of composite resin to enamel after intracoronal bleaching with different bleaching agents

Australian Endodontic Journal


Hacer Balkaya
Hacer Balkaya

H-Index: 5

Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Toxicity of propylene glycol extract of propolis on central nervous system and liver in pregnant and neonatal rats

Zeitschrift für geburtshilfe und neonatologie


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Dietary chestnut bee pollen as an immunostimulant for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss): Effects on the growth, haematological values, immune response, oxidant/antioxidant …

Cellular and molecular biology (Noisy-le-Grand, France)


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Effects of olive oil-based propolis, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, and methylprednisolone on differentiation of human acute myeloid leukemia cells

Journal of research in pharmacy (online)


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Does dry or fresh bee bread contain clinically significant, and antimicrobial agents resistant microorganisms?

Journal of Agricultural Sciences


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Ayşe Nedret Koç
Ayşe Nedret Koç

H-Index: 17

Apilarnil protects the LPS induced endotoxemic heart

Turkish Bulletin of Hygiene and Experimental Biology


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Protective effect of propolis and bee bread in experimental gastric ulcer model



Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Nutrition and Health Conditions of Beekeepers in Turkey: A Pilot Study



Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

The effect of royal jelly dietary on growth performance and expression of genes related to growth and immunity of zebrafish, Danio rerio

Aquaculture Reports


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Ercüment Aksakal
Ercüment Aksakal

H-Index: 8

The effect of bee bread (Perga) with chemotherapy on MDA-MB-231 cells

Molecular Biology Reports


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Zeytinyağı bazlı propolisin sağlıklı gönüllülerde biyokimyasal parametreler üzerine etkisi: Klinik çalışma

Turkiye Klinikleri Traditional and Complementary Medicine-Special Topics


COVID-19 Enfeksiyonunda Propolis

Turkiye Klinikleri Traditional and Complementary Medicine-Special Topics


Ticari propolis ekstraktlarının kısa ve uzun süreli kullanımının ratlarda karaciğer enzimleri üzerine etkisi

Turkiye Klinikleri Traditional and Complementary Medicine-Special Topics


The performance of Trichogramma (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) Parasitoids feeding on honey sources

Journal of Agricultural Sciences


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Nephroprotective effect of apilarnil in lipopolysaccharide-induced sepsis through TLR4/NF-κB signaling pathway

Life sciences


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

Poplar-type propolis provides protection of blood cells, testosterone levels and sperm motility in cisplatin-induced toxicity

Journal of Experimental and Clinical Medicine


Antioxidant, antiradical and antipyretic effects of olive oil extract of propolis

Journal of Apicultural Research


Sibel Silici
Sibel Silici

H-Index: 31

See List of Professors in Sibel Silici University(Erciyes Üniversitesi)