Shin Hyoung Park

About Shin Hyoung Park

Shin Hyoung Park, With an exceptional h-index of 11 and a recent h-index of 7 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Keimyung University, specializes in the field of Transportation Engineering, Traffic Safety, Spatial Analysis, Smart Mobility.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Critical risk factors associated with fatal/severe crash outcomes in personal mobility device rider at-fault crashes: A two-step inter-cluster rule mining technique

Deep survival analysis model for incident clearance time prediction

How crowding impedance affected travellers on public transport in the COVID-19 pandemic

Road Geometry Safety Evaluation Based on Driver Behavior Using a Driving Simulator

Modeling Daily Travel Choices in an Activity-based Framework considering Spatiotemporal Constraints

A deep spatiotemporal approach in maritime accident prediction: A case study of the territorial sea of South Korea

Applying Clustered KNN Algorithm for Short-Term Travel Speed Prediction and Reduced Speed Detection on Urban Arterial Road Work Zones

Investigating factors affecting bus/minibus accident severity in a developing country for different subgroup datasets characterised by time, pavement, and light conditions

Shin Hyoung Park Information



Associate Professor Department of Transportation Engineering



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Shin Hyoung Park Skills & Research Interests

Transportation Engineering

Traffic Safety

Spatial Analysis

Smart Mobility

Top articles of Shin Hyoung Park

Critical risk factors associated with fatal/severe crash outcomes in personal mobility device rider at-fault crashes: A two-step inter-cluster rule mining technique

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Deep survival analysis model for incident clearance time prediction

Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems


Eui-Jin Kim
Eui-Jin Kim

H-Index: 13

Shin Hyoung Park
Shin Hyoung Park

H-Index: 8

How crowding impedance affected travellers on public transport in the COVID-19 pandemic

Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour


Shin-Hyung Cho
Shin-Hyung Cho

H-Index: 3

Shin Hyoung Park
Shin Hyoung Park

H-Index: 8

Road Geometry Safety Evaluation Based on Driver Behavior Using a Driving Simulator


Shin Hyoung Park
Shin Hyoung Park

H-Index: 8

Modeling Daily Travel Choices in an Activity-based Framework considering Spatiotemporal Constraints


Shin-Hyung Cho
Shin-Hyung Cho

H-Index: 3

Shin Hyoung Park
Shin Hyoung Park

H-Index: 8

A deep spatiotemporal approach in maritime accident prediction: A case study of the territorial sea of South Korea

Ocean Engineering


Inhi Kim
Inhi Kim

H-Index: 14

Shin Hyoung Park
Shin Hyoung Park

H-Index: 8

Applying Clustered KNN Algorithm for Short-Term Travel Speed Prediction and Reduced Speed Detection on Urban Arterial Road Work Zones

Journal of Advanced Transportation


Shin Hyoung Park
Shin Hyoung Park

H-Index: 8

Investigating factors affecting bus/minibus accident severity in a developing country for different subgroup datasets characterised by time, pavement, and light conditions

Accident Analysis & Prevention


Application of naïve Bayesian approach in detecting reproducible fatal collision locations on freeway

Plos one


Effect of smartphone dependency on smartphone use while driving



Research on Longitudinal Slope Estimation Using Digital Elevation Model

The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems


Youngchan Kim
Youngchan Kim

H-Index: 13

Shin Hyoung Park
Shin Hyoung Park

H-Index: 8

Evaluation of section speed enforcement system using empirical Bayes approach and turning point analysis

Journal of advanced transportation


See List of Professors in Shin Hyoung Park University(Keimyung University)