Sher Zaman Khan

About Sher Zaman Khan

Sher Zaman Khan, With an exceptional h-index of 15 and a recent h-index of 15 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Gomal University, specializes in the field of Strategic Entrepreneurship, Sustainability, Business Model Innovation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The effect of talent management on competency development in the context of public-sector universities KPK, Pakistan: The buffering role of organizational culture

Spiritual leadership as a pathway toward innovative work behavior via knowledge sharing self-efficacy: moderating role of innovation climate

Environmental impact of economic activities: Decoupling perspective of Singapore using log mean Divisia index decomposition technique

Understanding consumer adoption of mobile payment in Pakistan

China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): Tourism Development and Cultural Heritage

Toward economic growth without emissions growth: the role of urbanization & industrialization in Pakistan

Blockchain technology adoption in Halal traceability scheme of the food supply chain: evidence from Indonesian firms

315 The Impact of COVID-19 on Training Opportunities and Long-Term Career Aspirations of UK Based Doctors

Sher Zaman Khan Information






Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Google Scholar

Sher Zaman Khan Skills & Research Interests

Strategic Entrepreneurship


Business Model Innovation

Top articles of Sher Zaman Khan

The effect of talent management on competency development in the context of public-sector universities KPK, Pakistan: The buffering role of organizational culture

Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business


Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

Spiritual leadership as a pathway toward innovative work behavior via knowledge sharing self-efficacy: moderating role of innovation climate

VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems


Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

Environmental impact of economic activities: Decoupling perspective of Singapore using log mean Divisia index decomposition technique

Geological Journal


Understanding consumer adoption of mobile payment in Pakistan

Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management


China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC): Tourism Development and Cultural Heritage

PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology


Amjad Khan
Amjad Khan

H-Index: 2

Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

Toward economic growth without emissions growth: the role of urbanization & industrialization in Pakistan

Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences


Blockchain technology adoption in Halal traceability scheme of the food supply chain: evidence from Indonesian firms

International Journal of Emerging Markets


Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

315 The Impact of COVID-19 on Training Opportunities and Long-Term Career Aspirations of UK Based Doctors

British Journal of Surgery


Pathways Toward Job Creation: Empirical Evidence on the Role of Digital Entrepreneurship and Social Capital

Sukkur IBA Journal of Management and Business


Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

Bilal Khan
Bilal Khan

H-Index: 2

Role of industry 5.0 in leveraging the business performance: investigating impact of shared-economy on firms’ performance with intervening role of i5. 0 technologies



A path to empower consumers' lookout: analysing the role of digital strategies on consumers' intention to buy from the perspective of TBP

International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management


The impact of heuristic availability bias on investment decision‐making: Moderated mediation model

Business Strategy & Development


Muhammad Salman
Muhammad Salman

H-Index: 6

Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

Nexus between Digital Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurs’ Innovative Predisposition with the Moderating Role of Social Capital

City University Research Journal


Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

Impact of financial inclusion on economic development of Pakistan (An application of SEM)

Elementary Education Online


Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

Modest wear e-commerce: examining online purchase intent in Indonesia

Research Journal of Textile and Apparel


Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

Understanding the impact of social apps and social network sites on consumer’s online purchase intention

Global Business Review


Impact of knowledge sharing on job satisfaction and innovative work behavior: the moderating role of motivating language

VINE Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems


Jianhua Yang
Jianhua Yang

H-Index: 15

Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

Effect of mobile social apps on consumer’s purchase attitude: Role of trust and technological factors in developing nations

Sage Open


Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Student’s Learning at Elementary Level

Global Educational Studies Review, VI


A structured approach to measuring and optimizing the organizational architecture in global product development projects

Concurrent Engineering


Qing Yang
Qing Yang

H-Index: 28

Sher Zaman Khan
Sher Zaman Khan

H-Index: 8

See List of Professors in Sher Zaman Khan University(Gomal University)

