Shane D Lavery

Shane D Lavery

University of Auckland

H-index: 34

Oceania-New Zealand

About Shane D Lavery

Shane D Lavery, With an exceptional h-index of 34 and a recent h-index of 22 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Auckland, specializes in the field of molecular ecology phylogenetics conservation genetics molecular taxonomy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Spatial and temporal variation in the predicted dispersal of marine larvae around coastal Aotearoa New Zealand

Population structure of pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (Kogia sima) sperm whales in the Southern Hemisphere may reflect foraging ecology and dispersal patterns.

Local adaptation in shell shape traits of a brooding chiton with strong population genomic differentiation

Comparative phylogeography in the genomic age: Opportunities and challenges

Genome-wide SNPs in the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus reveal a hybrid origin for its subspecies

Genetic and particle modelling approaches to assessing population connectivity in a deep sea lobster

Genome-wide SNPs reveal fine-scale genetic structure in ornate spiny lobster Panulirus ornatus throughout Indo-West Pacific Ocean

Fractions with too much friction; Genome-wide SNPs in the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus reveal a hybrid origin for the subspecies

Shane D Lavery Information



School of Biological Sciences & Institute of Marine Science



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Shane D Lavery Skills & Research Interests

molecular ecology phylogenetics conservation genetics molecular taxonomy

Top articles of Shane D Lavery

Spatial and temporal variation in the predicted dispersal of marine larvae around coastal Aotearoa New Zealand

Frontiers in Marine Science


Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

Population structure of pygmy (Kogia breviceps) and dwarf (Kogia sima) sperm whales in the Southern Hemisphere may reflect foraging ecology and dispersal patterns.

Advances in Marine Biology


Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

C Scott Baker
C Scott Baker

H-Index: 34

Local adaptation in shell shape traits of a brooding chiton with strong population genomic differentiation



Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

Comparative phylogeography in the genomic age: Opportunities and challenges


Genome-wide SNPs in the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus reveal a hybrid origin for its subspecies

BMC genomics


Ahmad Farhadi
Ahmad Farhadi

H-Index: 5

Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

Genetic and particle modelling approaches to assessing population connectivity in a deep sea lobster

Scientific Reports


Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

Genome-wide SNPs reveal fine-scale genetic structure in ornate spiny lobster Panulirus ornatus throughout Indo-West Pacific Ocean

ICES Journal of Marine Science


Fractions with too much friction; Genome-wide SNPs in the spiny lobster Panulirus homarus reveal a hybrid origin for the subspecies


Finding the adaptive needles in a population‐structured haystack: A case study in a New Zealand mollusc

Journal of Animal Ecology


Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

Genogeographic clustering to identify cross‐species concordance of spatial genetic patterns

Diversity and Distributions


Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

Towards reproducible metabarcoding data: Lessons from an international cross‐laboratory experiment

Molecular Ecology Resources


Geographic concordance of genetic barriers in New Zealand coastal marine species

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems


Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

Demographic history, not larval dispersal potential, explains differences in population structure of two New Zealand intertidal species

Marine Biology


Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

Genetic divergence between isolated populations of the North Island New Zealand Rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris granti) implicates ancient biogeographic impacts …

Ecology and evolution


Stuart Parsons
Stuart Parsons

H-Index: 22

Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

Hitchhiking consequences for genetic and morphological patterns: the influence of kelp-rafting on a brooding chiton

Biological Journal of the Linnean Society


Ana C. Prizon1, Daniel P. Bruschi2*, Luciana A. Borin-Carvalho1, Andréa Cius1, Ligia M. Barbosa1, Henrique B. Ruiz3, Claudio H. Zawadzki3, Alberto S. Fenocchio4 and Ana L. de …

Genetics, Evolution, and Conservation of Neotropical Fishes


Marine DNA metabarcoding


Shane D Lavery
Shane D Lavery

H-Index: 21

From feeding habits to food webs: exploring the diet of an opportunistic benthic generalist

Marine Ecology Progress Series


See List of Professors in Shane D Lavery University(University of Auckland)

