Shahid Nawaz Khan

About Shahid Nawaz Khan

Shahid Nawaz Khan, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at National University of Sciences and Technology, specializes in the field of Power Systems Planning, Operation and Control, Optimization, Electricity Markets and Policy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Techno-economic assessment and optimization framework with energy storage for hybrid energy resources in base transceiver stations-based infrastructure across various climatic …

Impact and performance efficiency analysis of grid-tied solar photovoltaic system based on installation site environmental factors

A decision-centric approach for techno-economic optimization and environmental assessment of standalone and grid-integrated renewable-powered electric vehicle charging stations …

Mutual benefit analysis of price-responsive demand response program for demand-side load management through heuristic algorithm by scheduling of multi-classifier residential …

Integrative decision-making framework for techno-economic planning and sustainability assessment of renewable dominated standalone hybrid microgrids infrastructure at …

Novel Approach for Sensing the Humanoid Hand Finger Position Using Non-contact TMR Sensor

Smart Distribution Mechanisms—Part I: From the Perspectives of Planning

Intelligent Algorithm for Efficient Use of Energy Using Tackling the Load Uncertainty Method in Smart Grid

Shahid Nawaz Khan Information



U.S.-Pakistan Center For Advanced Studies in Energy Pakistan



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Shahid Nawaz Khan Skills & Research Interests

Power Systems Planning

Operation and Control


Electricity Markets and Policy

Top articles of Shahid Nawaz Khan

Techno-economic assessment and optimization framework with energy storage for hybrid energy resources in base transceiver stations-based infrastructure across various climatic …

Journal of Energy Storage


Shahid Nawaz Khan
Shahid Nawaz Khan

H-Index: 0

Impact and performance efficiency analysis of grid-tied solar photovoltaic system based on installation site environmental factors

Energy & Environment


A decision-centric approach for techno-economic optimization and environmental assessment of standalone and grid-integrated renewable-powered electric vehicle charging stations …

Energy Conversion and Management


Shahid Nawaz Khan
Shahid Nawaz Khan

H-Index: 0

Kashif Imran
Kashif Imran

H-Index: 7

Mutual benefit analysis of price-responsive demand response program for demand-side load management through heuristic algorithm by scheduling of multi-classifier residential …

Electrical Engineering


Shahid Nawaz Khan
Shahid Nawaz Khan

H-Index: 0

Integrative decision-making framework for techno-economic planning and sustainability assessment of renewable dominated standalone hybrid microgrids infrastructure at …

Energy Conversion and Management


Shahid Nawaz Khan
Shahid Nawaz Khan

H-Index: 0

Novel Approach for Sensing the Humanoid Hand Finger Position Using Non-contact TMR Sensor

Industrial Cognitive Ergonomics and Engineering Psychology


Smart Distribution Mechanisms—Part I: From the Perspectives of Planning


Shahid Nawaz Khan
Shahid Nawaz Khan

H-Index: 0

Intelligent Algorithm for Efficient Use of Energy Using Tackling the Load Uncertainty Method in Smart Grid

Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems


See List of Professors in Shahid Nawaz Khan University(National University of Sciences and Technology)

