Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

About Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Iran University of Science and Technology, specializes in the field of Transportation, Road Safety, Bituminous Materials, Asphalt Technology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Efficiency and Safety of Traffic Networks Under the Effect of Autonomous Vehicles

Investigation of the Effect of Combined Nanosilica and Iranian Natural Binder on the Rheological Behavior of Mastics and Performance of Asphalt Mixtures

Safety Comparison of Simple and Spiral Horizontal Curves Based on Side Friction Factor Dynamic Modeling

Laboratory Investigation of Reclaimed Asphalt Mixtures Containing Cyclogen and Vacuum Bottom Rejuvenators

Signalized intersection delay analysis using transit signal priority (TSP) and dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) system for bus rapid transit (BRT)

Pedestrians crossing and walking speeds analysis in urban areas under the influence of rain and personality characteristics

Presentation of machine learning methods to determine the most important factors affecting road traffic accidents on rural roads

A review of railway track laboratory tests with various scales for better decision-making about more efficient apparatus using TOPSIS analysis

Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian Information



Research Assistant



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian Skills & Research Interests


Road Safety

Bituminous Materials

Asphalt Technology

Top articles of Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

Efficiency and Safety of Traffic Networks Under the Effect of Autonomous Vehicles


Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian
Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

H-Index: 6

Hamid Mirzahossein
Hamid Mirzahossein

H-Index: 3

Investigation of the Effect of Combined Nanosilica and Iranian Natural Binder on the Rheological Behavior of Mastics and Performance of Asphalt Mixtures

Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering


Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian
Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

H-Index: 6

Safety Comparison of Simple and Spiral Horizontal Curves Based on Side Friction Factor Dynamic Modeling

Journal of Advanced Transportation


Afshin Fallah
Afshin Fallah

H-Index: 3

Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian
Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

H-Index: 6

Laboratory Investigation of Reclaimed Asphalt Mixtures Containing Cyclogen and Vacuum Bottom Rejuvenators

Advances in Civil Engineering


Signalized intersection delay analysis using transit signal priority (TSP) and dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) system for bus rapid transit (BRT)

Innovative Infrastructure Solutions


Hamid Mirzahossein
Hamid Mirzahossein

H-Index: 3

Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian
Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

H-Index: 6

Pedestrians crossing and walking speeds analysis in urban areas under the influence of rain and personality characteristics

Mathematical Problems in Engineering


Vahid Najafi Moghaddam Gilani
Vahid Najafi Moghaddam Gilani

H-Index: 9

Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian
Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

H-Index: 6

Presentation of machine learning methods to determine the most important factors affecting road traffic accidents on rural roads

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering


A review of railway track laboratory tests with various scales for better decision-making about more efficient apparatus using TOPSIS analysis


Evaluation of the application of maximum radius in horizontal curves using vehicle dynamic simulation

Advances in Civil Engineering


Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian
Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

H-Index: 6

Investigation of bus special lane performance using statistical analysis and optimization of the signalized intersection delay by machine learning methods

Journal of Optimization


Location of emergency escape ramps on two-lane rural highways based on the fuzzy multicriteria decision-making method

Journal of Engineering


Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian
Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

H-Index: 6

Presentation of regression analysis, GP and GMDH models to predict the pedestrian density in various urban facilities

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering


Prioritization of Effective Factors in Rural Road Accidents of Guilan Province Based on Exploratory Factor Analysis and Logistic Regression Model

Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering


Presentation of a new deicer with the least moisture and fatigue failures in asphalt mixtures

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering


Data-driven urban traffic accident analysis and prediction using logit and machine learning-based pattern recognition models

Mathematical problems in engineering


Experimental investigation and multi-objective optimization of fracture properties of asphalt mixtures containing nano-calcium carbonate

The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology


Investigation of the impact of deicer materials on thermodynamic parameters and its relationship with moisture susceptibility in modified asphalt mixtures by carbon nanotube

Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering


Statistical analysis for study of the effect of dark clothing color of female pedestrians on the severity of accident using machine learning methods

Mathematical Problems in Engineering


Investigation of the effect of crumb rubber powder and warm additives on moisture resistance of SMA mixtures

Advances in Civil Engineering


Hassan Ziari
Hassan Ziari

H-Index: 21

Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian
Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian

H-Index: 6

Improving the moisture sensitivity of asphalt mixtures by simultaneous modification of asphalt binder and aggregates with carbon nanofiber and carbon nanotube

Advances in Civil Engineering


See List of Professors in Seyed Mohsen Hosseinian University(Iran University of Science and Technology)

