Sergey Mirov

Sergey Mirov

University of Alabama at Birmingham

H-index: 46

North America-United States

About Sergey Mirov

Sergey Mirov, With an exceptional h-index of 46 and a recent h-index of 28 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Alabama at Birmingham, specializes in the field of Laser Physics, Middle-Infrared Tunable Lasers, Laser Spectrsocopy, Laser Materials.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Frequency combs enable acquisition of a quarter million spectral data points at a video rate

High average power ultrafast laser technologies for driving future advanced accelerators

Video-Rate Broadband Longwave IR Dual-Comb Spectroscopy with Cr: ZnS lasers

350 mJ electro-optically Q-switched 2.79 µm Cr: Er: YSGG MOPA

190 mJ & 85 ns Electro-Optically Q-switched 2.79 μm Cr: Er: YSGG Laser

Spectral Narrowing of Cr: ZnS/Se Lasers Oscillation In Twisted Mode Cavity

Broadband longwave-IR dual-comb spectroscopy at video rate with 240,000 comb-mode resolved data points

Using Cross-phase Modulation to Transfer Coherence Between a Cr: Zns Frequency Comb and its Optical Pump

Sergey Mirov Information



University Professor of Physics



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Sergey Mirov Skills & Research Interests

Laser Physics

Middle-Infrared Tunable Lasers

Laser Spectrsocopy

Laser Materials

Top articles of Sergey Mirov

Frequency combs enable acquisition of a quarter million spectral data points at a video rate


Konstantin Vodopyanov
Konstantin Vodopyanov

H-Index: 32

Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

High average power ultrafast laser technologies for driving future advanced accelerators

Journal of Instrumentation


Video-Rate Broadband Longwave IR Dual-Comb Spectroscopy with Cr: ZnS lasers


Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Konstantin Vodopyanov
Konstantin Vodopyanov

H-Index: 32

350 mJ electro-optically Q-switched 2.79 µm Cr: Er: YSGG MOPA

Optics Express


190 mJ & 85 ns Electro-Optically Q-switched 2.79 μm Cr: Er: YSGG Laser


Spectral Narrowing of Cr: ZnS/Se Lasers Oscillation In Twisted Mode Cavity


Vladimir Fedorov
Vladimir Fedorov

H-Index: 23

Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Broadband longwave-IR dual-comb spectroscopy at video rate with 240,000 comb-mode resolved data points


Konstantin Vodopyanov
Konstantin Vodopyanov

H-Index: 32

Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Using Cross-phase Modulation to Transfer Coherence Between a Cr: Zns Frequency Comb and its Optical Pump


Konstantin Vodopyanov
Konstantin Vodopyanov

H-Index: 32

Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Longwave infrared (6.6–11.4 µm) dual-comb spectroscopy with 240,000 comb-mode-resolved data points at video rate

Optics Letters


Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Konstantin Vodopyanov
Konstantin Vodopyanov

H-Index: 32

Optical, electrical, and EPR studies of polycrystalline Al: Cr: ZnSe gain elements

Optical Materials Express


Spectral narrowing and broadening of Cr: ZnS/Se laser oscillation due to mode competition and spatial hole burning in the gain element

Optics Express


Vladimir Fedorov
Vladimir Fedorov

H-Index: 23

Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Real-time high resolution dual-comb spectroscopy in the 6-12 µm spectral range based on a few-cycle Cr: ZnS laser platform


Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Continuous-wave narrow-line lasing of polycrystalline Cr: ZnS/Se gain media in non-selective twisted mode cavities


Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Vladimir Fedorov
Vladimir Fedorov

H-Index: 23

Electro-optically Q-switched 2.8 um Cr: Er: YSGG laser with output energy up to 300 mJ


Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy of Cr: ZnSe Gain Media

APS March Meeting Abstracts


Vladimir Fedorov
Vladimir Fedorov

H-Index: 23

Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Planning and Simulating Neutron Spin Echo Experiments

APS March Meeting Abstracts


Room temperature, 55 mJ/pulse, gain-switched Fe: ZnSe laser system pumped by radiation of Electro-Optically Q-switched Cr: Er: YSGG MOPA


High-power middle IR and long-wave IR frequency comb generators based on mode-locked polycrystalline Cr: ZnS lasers


Ultrafast Nonlinear Optics and Mid-IR Frequency Comb Generation With Mode-Locked Cr: ZnS lasers


Konstantin Vodopyanov
Konstantin Vodopyanov

H-Index: 32

Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

Mid-infrared frequency combs open new avenues in spectroscopy, imaging, and remote sensing

Laser Focus World


Sergey Mirov
Sergey Mirov

H-Index: 27

See List of Professors in Sergey Mirov University(University of Alabama at Birmingham)