Scott P Davies

Scott P Davies

University of Birmingham

H-index: 12

Europe-United Kingdom

About Scott P Davies

Scott P Davies, With an exceptional h-index of 12 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Birmingham, specializes in the field of Liver disease, cell-cell interations, cell clearance, live cell/tissue imaging, microscopy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Organ-on-a-chip for studying immune cell adhesion to liver sinusoidal endothelial cells: the potential for testing immunotherapies and cell therapy trafficking

Induced regulatory T cells via cyclin-dependent kinase inhibition from patients with primary biliary cholangitis are suppressive and stable in an IFN enriched environment and …

Expression of E-cadherin by CD8+ T cells promotes their invasion into biliary epithelial cells

Production of reactive oxidant species and fatty acid uptake is increased in regulatory T-cells in autoimmune hepatitis, and associated with down-regulation of markers linked …

P41 Conversion of CD4+ T cells to functioning and epigenetically stable induced regulatory T cells in patients with primary biliary cholangitis

The invasion of the biliary epithelial cells by CD103+ CD69+ intraepithelial cells CD8+ T lymphocyte and its role in the pathogenesis of primary biliary cholangitis

Expression of E-cadherin by large CD103+ CD69+ CD8+ T cells promotes their invasion into biliary epithelial cells

The human liver microenvironment shapes the homing and function of CD4+ T-cell populations

Scott P Davies Information



Postdoctoral Research Fellow



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Scott P Davies Skills & Research Interests

Liver disease

cell-cell interations

cell clearance

live cell/tissue imaging


Top articles of Scott P Davies

Organ-on-a-chip for studying immune cell adhesion to liver sinusoidal endothelial cells: the potential for testing immunotherapies and cell therapy trafficking

Frontiers in cell and developmental biology


Induced regulatory T cells via cyclin-dependent kinase inhibition from patients with primary biliary cholangitis are suppressive and stable in an IFN enriched environment and …

Digestive and Liver Disease


Expression of E-cadherin by CD8+ T cells promotes their invasion into biliary epithelial cells

Nature Communications


Scott P Davies
Scott P Davies

H-Index: 5

Vincenzo Ronca
Vincenzo Ronca

H-Index: 3

Production of reactive oxidant species and fatty acid uptake is increased in regulatory T-cells in autoimmune hepatitis, and associated with down-regulation of markers linked …

Journal of Hepatology


P41 Conversion of CD4+ T cells to functioning and epigenetically stable induced regulatory T cells in patients with primary biliary cholangitis


The invasion of the biliary epithelial cells by CD103+ CD69+ intraepithelial cells CD8+ T lymphocyte and its role in the pathogenesis of primary biliary cholangitis

Digestive and Liver Disease


Expression of E-cadherin by large CD103+ CD69+ CD8+ T cells promotes their invasion into biliary epithelial cells


The human liver microenvironment shapes the homing and function of CD4+ T-cell populations



The role of B cells in adult and paediatric liver injury


Supramolecular Cylinders Target Bulge Structures in the 5′ UTR of the RNA Genome of SARS‐CoV‐2 and Inhibit Viral Replication

Angewandte Chemie


The hyperlipidaemic drug fenofibrate significantly reduces infection by SARS-CoV-2 in cell culture models

Frontiers in Pharmacology


Formulation of a Composite Nasal Spray Enabling Enhanced Surface Coverage and Prophylaxis of SARS‐COV‐2

Advanced Materials


Scott P Davies
Scott P Davies

H-Index: 5

Zania Stamataki
Zania Stamataki

H-Index: 17

Targeting enclysis in liver autoimmunity, transplantation, viral infection and cancer


Scott P Davies
Scott P Davies

H-Index: 5

Zania Stamataki
Zania Stamataki

H-Index: 17

Structure of human endo-α-1, 2-mannosidase (MANEA), an antiviral host-glycosylation target

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Controlling regulatory T cell populations in the liver by enclysis, a CD4+ T cell engulfment process

Journal of Hepatology


Imaging human liver regeneration by multiphoton microscopy

Journal of Hepatology


Cell-in-cell structures in the liver: a tale of four E’s


Scott P Davies
Scott P Davies

H-Index: 5

Zania Stamataki
Zania Stamataki

H-Index: 17

The liver controls regulatory T cell populations by enclysis, a CD4+ T cell engulfment process

The Journal of Immunology


HLA class I genotypes customize vaccination strategies in immune simulation to combat COVID-19 (preprint)


See List of Professors in Scott P Davies University(University of Birmingham)