Sarah L Dance

Sarah L Dance

University of Reading

H-index: 30

Europe-United Kingdom

About Sarah L Dance

Sarah L Dance, With an exceptional h-index of 30 and a recent h-index of 26 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Reading, specializes in the field of Data assimilation, numerical analysis, earth observation.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Deep learning for automated trash screen blockage detection using cameras: Actionable information for flood risk management

A multi-system comparison of forecast flooding extent using a scale-selective approach

On methods for assessment of the influence and impact of observations in convection-permitting numerical weather prediction

Assessing the spatial spread–skill of ensemble flood maps with remote-sensing observations

Co-design and co-production of flood forecast products: Summary of a hybrid workshop

Toward improved urban flood detection using Sentinel-1: dependence of the ratio of post-to preflood double scattering cross sections on building orientation

Calibrated river-level estimation from river cameras using convolutional neural networks

Progress, challenges, and future steps in data assimilation for convection‐permitting numerical weather prediction: Report on the virtual meeting held on 10 and 12 November 2021

Sarah L Dance Information



Professor of Data Assimilation



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Sarah L Dance Skills & Research Interests

Data assimilation

numerical analysis

earth observation

Top articles of Sarah L Dance

Deep learning for automated trash screen blockage detection using cameras: Actionable information for flood risk management

Journal of Hydroinformatics


A multi-system comparison of forecast flooding extent using a scale-selective approach

Hydrology Research


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

On methods for assessment of the influence and impact of observations in convection-permitting numerical weather prediction

arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.16433


Assessing the spatial spread–skill of ensemble flood maps with remote-sensing observations

Natural hazards and earth system sciences


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Co-design and co-production of flood forecast products: Summary of a hybrid workshop

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Toward improved urban flood detection using Sentinel-1: dependence of the ratio of post-to preflood double scattering cross sections on building orientation

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Calibrated river-level estimation from river cameras using convolutional neural networks

Environmental Data Science


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Progress, challenges, and future steps in data assimilation for convection‐permitting numerical weather prediction: Report on the virtual meeting held on 10 and 12 November 2021

Atmospheric Science Letters


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Martin Weissmann
Martin Weissmann

H-Index: 18

Spatial scale evaluation of forecast flood inundation maps

Journal of Hydrology


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Evaluating the impact of post-processing medium-range ensemble streamflow forecasts from the European Flood Awareness System

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


Hannah Cloke
Hannah Cloke

H-Index: 33

Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Exploring the characteristics of a vehicle‐based temperature dataset for kilometre‐scale data assimilation

Meteorological Applications


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Efficient computation of matrix–vector products with full observation weighting matrices in data assimilation

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Deep learning for automated river-level monitoring through river-camera images: an approach based on water segmentation and transfer learning

Hydrology and Earth System Sciences


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

New bounds on the condition number of the Hessian of the preconditioned variational data assimilation problem

Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Nancy K Nichols
Nancy K Nichols

H-Index: 26

Evaluating errors due to unresolved scales in convection‐permitting numerical weather prediction

Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Floodwater detection in urban areas using Sentinel-1 and WorldDEM data

Journal of Applied Remote Sensing


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Comparing diagnosed observation uncertainties with independent estimates: A case study using aircraft‐based observations and a convection‐permitting data assimilation system

Atmospheric Science Letters


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

Quality‐control of vehicle‐based temperature observations and future recommendations


Sarah L Dance
Sarah L Dance

H-Index: 20

The role of digital technologies in responding to the grand challenges of the natural environment: the Windermere Accord

Рекомендовано вченою радою Сумського державного університету (протокол № 5 від 17 листопада 2022 р.)


MATLAB code for the localized Singular Value Decomposition approach of the Fast Multipole Method (the local SVD-FMM)


See List of Professors in Sarah L Dance University(University of Reading)

