Sara Y Oikawa

Sara Y Oikawa

McMaster University

H-index: 18

North America-Canada

About Sara Y Oikawa

Sara Y Oikawa, With an exceptional h-index of 18 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at McMaster University,

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Resistance‐only and concurrent exercise induce similar myofibrillar protein synthesis rates and associated molecular responses in moderately active men before and after training

In-season nutrition strategies and recovery modalities to enhance recovery for basketball players: A narrative review

Eat like an athlete: insights of sports nutrition science to support active aging in healthy older adults

Both traditional and stair climbing-based HIIT cardiac rehabilitation induce beneficial muscle adaptations

An intron variant of the GLI family zinc finger 3 (GLI3) gene differentiates resistance training‐induced muscle fiber hypertrophy in younger men

Brief vigorous stair climbing effectively improves cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with coronary artery disease: a randomized trial

Methodological considerations for and validation of the ultrasonographic determination of human skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy

Molecular transducers of human skeletal muscle remodeling under different loading states

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Top articles of Sara Y Oikawa

Resistance‐only and concurrent exercise induce similar myofibrillar protein synthesis rates and associated molecular responses in moderately active men before and after training

The FASEB Journal


In-season nutrition strategies and recovery modalities to enhance recovery for basketball players: A narrative review


Sara Y Oikawa
Sara Y Oikawa

H-Index: 11

Shona Halson
Shona Halson

H-Index: 44

Eat like an athlete: insights of sports nutrition science to support active aging in healthy older adults


Sara Y Oikawa
Sara Y Oikawa

H-Index: 11

Both traditional and stair climbing-based HIIT cardiac rehabilitation induce beneficial muscle adaptations

Med Sci Sports Exerc


An intron variant of the GLI family zinc finger 3 (GLI3) gene differentiates resistance training‐induced muscle fiber hypertrophy in younger men

The FASEB Journal


Brief vigorous stair climbing effectively improves cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with coronary artery disease: a randomized trial

Frontiers in Sports and Active Living


Methodological considerations for and validation of the ultrasonographic determination of human skeletal muscle hypertrophy and atrophy

Physiological reports


Molecular transducers of human skeletal muscle remodeling under different loading states

Cell Reports


Potato Protein Stimulates Muscle Protein Synthesis At Rest And With Resistance Exercise: 412 Board# 228 May 27 9: 30 AM-11: 00 AM

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Skeletal Muscle Adaptation In Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients Undertaking Traditional Or Higher Intensity Stair-climbing Exercise: 2623 Board# 84 May 29 10: 30 AM-12: 00 PM

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Lactalbumin, Not Collagen, Augments Muscle Protein Synthesis with Aerobic Exercise.

Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise


Potato protein isolate stimulates muscle protein synthesis at rest and with resistance exercise in young women



Presleep α-lactalbumin consumption does not improve sleep quality or time-trial performance in cyclists

International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism


Sara Y Oikawa
Sara Y Oikawa

H-Index: 11

Stuart M Phillips
Stuart M Phillips

H-Index: 82

Targeted SNP Interrogation to Determine if Select Polymorphisms are Associated with Skeletal Muscle Hypertrophy Following 12 Weeks of Resistance Training

The FASEB Journal


Carotid artery longitudinal wall motion is unaffected by 12 weeks of endurance, sprint interval or resistance exercise training

Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology


Whey protein but not collagen peptides stimulate acute and longer-term muscle protein synthesis with and without resistance exercise in healthy older women: a randomized …

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition


Is High-intensity Stair Climbing An Effective Alternative To Traditional Cardiac Rehabilitation Exercise?

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise


Sara Y Oikawa
Sara Y Oikawa

H-Index: 11

Stuart M Phillips
Stuart M Phillips

H-Index: 82

See List of Professors in Sara Y Oikawa University(McMaster University)