Sara Bernardini

About Sara Bernardini

Sara Bernardini, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 12 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Royal Holloway, University of London, specializes in the field of Artificial Intelligence, Autonomous Systems, Cognitive Robotics, Automated Planning, Heuristic Search.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Teaching the principles of artificial intelligence to Generation Z: The SMaILE-App mobile game application

Squads of Adaptive Robots (SoAR): an architecture for operating heterogeneous fleets of marine robots

Stabbed to death: an osteobiography example of violence among Longobards (Povegliano Veronese, Italy, 6th-8th c CE)

Multi‐isotope analysis of primary and secondary dentin as a mean to broaden intra‐life dietary reconstruction. A case from Longobard Italy

An unprecedented case of cranial surgery in Longobard Italy (6th–8th century) using a cruciform incision

Growing up in an Italian Copper Age community: the role of children in everyday life

A Longobard osteobiography. A multi-proxy life history of an elderly woman from Castel Trosino (Italy)

Becoming adult in the Neolithic: tracing back life histories exploring diet and mobility through stable isotope analysis of dentine increments from two Apulian sites

Sara Bernardini Information



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Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Sara Bernardini Skills & Research Interests

Artificial Intelligence

Autonomous Systems

Cognitive Robotics

Automated Planning

Heuristic Search

Top articles of Sara Bernardini

Teaching the principles of artificial intelligence to Generation Z: The SMaILE-App mobile game application


Squads of Adaptive Robots (SoAR): an architecture for operating heterogeneous fleets of marine robots


Stabbed to death: an osteobiography example of violence among Longobards (Povegliano Veronese, Italy, 6th-8th c CE)

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences


Multi‐isotope analysis of primary and secondary dentin as a mean to broaden intra‐life dietary reconstruction. A case from Longobard Italy

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology


An unprecedented case of cranial surgery in Longobard Italy (6th–8th century) using a cruciform incision

International Journal of Osteoarchaeology


Growing up in an Italian Copper Age community: the role of children in everyday life

Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris. BMSAP


A Longobard osteobiography. A multi-proxy life history of an elderly woman from Castel Trosino (Italy)

Bulletins et mémoires de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris. BMSAP


Becoming adult in the Neolithic: tracing back life histories exploring diet and mobility through stable isotope analysis of dentine increments from two Apulian sites


Sara Bernardini
Sara Bernardini

H-Index: 12

Maria Giovanna Belcastro
Maria Giovanna Belcastro

H-Index: 20

A multirobot system for autonomous deployment and recovery of a blade crawler for operations and maintenance of offshore wind turbine blades

Journal of Field Robotics


Helpful information sharing for partially informed planning agents


Sarah Keren
Sarah Keren

H-Index: 8

Sara Bernardini
Sara Bernardini

H-Index: 12

Learning interpretable heuristics for WalkSAT

arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.04608


Yannet Interian
Yannet Interian

H-Index: 9

Sara Bernardini
Sara Bernardini

H-Index: 12

Exploiting geometric constraints in multi-agent pathfinding

Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling


Sara Bernardini
Sara Bernardini

H-Index: 12

Fabio Fagnani
Fabio Fagnani

H-Index: 18

Adaptive temporal planning for multi-robot systems in operations and maintenance of offshore wind farms

Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence


Ferdian Jovan
Ferdian Jovan

H-Index: 5

Sara Bernardini
Sara Bernardini

H-Index: 12

Hybrid discrete-continuous path planning for lattice traversal


Food security reduces multiple HIV infection risks for high‐vulnerability adolescent mothers and non‐mothers in South Africa: a cross‐sectional study

African Journal of Reproduction and Gynaecological Endoscopy


A Network Flow Interpretation of Robust Goal Legibility in Path Finding

Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling


Modular robots for enabling operations in unstructured extreme environments

Advanced Intelligent Systems


Boyang Li
Boyang Li

H-Index: 3

Sara Bernardini
Sara Bernardini

H-Index: 12

Severe ankylosis of the left hip in the Early Medieval Community of Selvicciola (Italy, 4th-8th Centuries CE)


Sara Bernardini
Sara Bernardini

H-Index: 12

Giorgio Manzi
Giorgio Manzi

H-Index: 23

Health care among an Early Medieval community in Italy (Selvicciola, 4th-8th centuries CE)


Sara Bernardini
Sara Bernardini

H-Index: 12

Giorgio Manzi
Giorgio Manzi

H-Index: 23

Living and surviving in the Roman Empire: skeletal trauma and strontium isotopes of an individual from Lucus Feroniae (Rome, Italy)


Sara Bernardini
Sara Bernardini

H-Index: 12

Giorgio Manzi
Giorgio Manzi

H-Index: 23

See List of Professors in Sara Bernardini University(Royal Holloway, University of London)

