Samuel Mathews

Samuel Mathews

McGill University

H-index: 4

North America-Canada

About Samuel Mathews

Samuel Mathews, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at McGill University, specializes in the field of Chemical Engineering.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Molecular dynamics predictions of transport properties for carbon dioxide hydrates under pre-nucleation conditions using TIP4P/Ice water and EPM2, TraPPE, and Zhang carbon …

Modeling of Interfacial Processes of Gas Hydrate Systems for Engineering Applications at Extreme Conditions

Equilibrium molecular dynamics of methane hydrate systems at pre-nucleation conditions to predict system transport properties

Recent advances in density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulation of mechanical, interfacial, and thermal properties of natural gas hydrates in Canada

All-atom molecular dynamics of pure water–methane gas hydrate systems under pre-nucleation conditions: A direct comparison between experiments and simulations of transport …

An integrated experimental and computational platform to explore gas hydrate promotion, inhibition, rheology, and mechanical properties at McGill University: A review

Heat Capacity, Thermal Expansion Coefficient, and Grüneisen Parameter of CH4, CO2, and C2H6 Hydrates and Ice Ih via Density Functional Theory and …

Thermal Properties of Structure I Hydrates Using Density Functional Theory

Samuel Mathews Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Samuel Mathews Skills & Research Interests

Chemical Engineering

Top articles of Samuel Mathews

Molecular dynamics predictions of transport properties for carbon dioxide hydrates under pre-nucleation conditions using TIP4P/Ice water and EPM2, TraPPE, and Zhang carbon …

Journal of Molecular Liquids


Samuel Mathews
Samuel Mathews

H-Index: 1

Phillip Servio
Phillip Servio

H-Index: 23

Modeling of Interfacial Processes of Gas Hydrate Systems for Engineering Applications at Extreme Conditions

APS March Meeting Abstracts


Samuel Mathews
Samuel Mathews

H-Index: 1

Phillip Servio
Phillip Servio

H-Index: 23

Equilibrium molecular dynamics of methane hydrate systems at pre-nucleation conditions to predict system transport properties

APS March Meeting Abstracts


Recent advances in density functional theory and molecular dynamics simulation of mechanical, interfacial, and thermal properties of natural gas hydrates in Canada


Samuel Mathews
Samuel Mathews

H-Index: 1

Phillip Servio
Phillip Servio

H-Index: 23

All-atom molecular dynamics of pure water–methane gas hydrate systems under pre-nucleation conditions: A direct comparison between experiments and simulations of transport …



Samuel Mathews
Samuel Mathews

H-Index: 1

Phillip Servio
Phillip Servio

H-Index: 23

An integrated experimental and computational platform to explore gas hydrate promotion, inhibition, rheology, and mechanical properties at McGill University: A review


Samuel Mathews
Samuel Mathews

H-Index: 1

Phillip Servio
Phillip Servio

H-Index: 23

Heat Capacity, Thermal Expansion Coefficient, and Grüneisen Parameter of CH4, CO2, and C2H6 Hydrates and Ice Ih via Density Functional Theory and …

Crystal Growth & Design


Thermal Properties of Structure I Hydrates Using Density Functional Theory


Samuel Mathews
Samuel Mathews

H-Index: 1

See List of Professors in Samuel Mathews University(McGill University)