Saeedeh Zenoozian

About Saeedeh Zenoozian

Saeedeh Zenoozian, With an exceptional h-index of 8 and a recent h-index of 8 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Zanjan University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of psychotherapy.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

A randomized clinical trial: Efficacy of group‐based acceptance and commitment therapy program for breast cancer patients with high fear of progression

The effect of schema therapy on marital conflicts: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Can integrating religiosity and spirituality into postpartum care improve the quality of life in women with preeclampsia

Caregiving burden, depression, and anxiety among family caregivers of patients with cancer: An investigation of patient and caregiver factors

The Effect of Life Skills-Based Group Counseling on Stress in Female Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Prediction of Suicidal Ideation in Patients with Bipolar Disorder by the Role of Borderline Personality High Traits in Zanjan (Northwest of Iran)

Is integrating spirituality into postpartum care can improve the quality of life in women with preeclampsia

Investigating the Effects of Midwife-Oriented Education and Counseling on the Type and Consequences of Childbirth in First-Time Pregnant Women with Fear of Childbirth

Saeedeh Zenoozian Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Saeedeh Zenoozian Skills & Research Interests


Top articles of Saeedeh Zenoozian

A randomized clinical trial: Efficacy of group‐based acceptance and commitment therapy program for breast cancer patients with high fear of progression



Farzane Ahmadi
Farzane Ahmadi

H-Index: 9

Saeedeh Zenoozian
Saeedeh Zenoozian

H-Index: 4

The effect of schema therapy on marital conflicts: A systematic review and meta-analysis.


Can integrating religiosity and spirituality into postpartum care improve the quality of life in women with preeclampsia

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Azam Maleki
Azam Maleki

H-Index: 6

Saeedeh Zenoozian
Saeedeh Zenoozian

H-Index: 4

Caregiving burden, depression, and anxiety among family caregivers of patients with cancer: An investigation of patient and caregiver factors

Frontiers in Psychology


The Effect of Life Skills-Based Group Counseling on Stress in Female Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Preventive Care in Nursing & Midwifery Journal


Leila Rastegari
Leila Rastegari

H-Index: 5

Saeedeh Zenoozian
Saeedeh Zenoozian

H-Index: 4

Prediction of Suicidal Ideation in Patients with Bipolar Disorder by the Role of Borderline Personality High Traits in Zanjan (Northwest of Iran)

Journal of Advances in Medical and Biomedical Research


Is integrating spirituality into postpartum care can improve the quality of life in women with preeclampsia


Azam Maleki
Azam Maleki

H-Index: 6

Saeedeh Zenoozian
Saeedeh Zenoozian

H-Index: 4

Investigating the Effects of Midwife-Oriented Education and Counseling on the Type and Consequences of Childbirth in First-Time Pregnant Women with Fear of Childbirth

Preventive Care in Nursing & Midwifery Journal


Elham Jafari
Elham Jafari

H-Index: 7

Saeedeh Zenoozian
Saeedeh Zenoozian

H-Index: 4

Effect of Child-Parent Relationship Therapy on the Severity of Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children: A Clinical Trial with a Parallel Groups Study Design

Preventive Care in Nursing & Midwifery Journal


Saeedeh Zenoozian
Saeedeh Zenoozian

H-Index: 4

Mazaher Rezaei
Mazaher Rezaei

H-Index: 4

Presenting a structural model of the relationship between defense styles in cluster B personality disorders and the mediating role of emotional cognitive regulation

medical journal of mashhad university of medical sciences


The Efficacy of Integrating Spirituality into Prenatal Care on Pregnant Women’s Sleep: A Randomized Controlled Trial

BioMed research international


The effect of breastfeeding counseling with a spiritual approach on breastfeeding self-efficacy in primiparous women: A randomized intervention study



The Effect of Educational Protocol Intended to Promote Illness Perception on Death Anxiety in Patients with Heart Failure: A Clinical Trial Study.

Preventive Care in Nursing & Midwifery Journal


تأثير مشاوره شيردهي با رويكرد معنوي بر خودكارآمدي شيردهي زنان نخستزا: يك مطالعه كارآزمايي تصادفي شاهددار.‎



The Effectiveness of integrating spirituality into prenatal care on Improving Sleep Quality and Insomnia Severity among Pregnant Women: A Randomized Control Trial


Nahid Moradi
Nahid Moradi

H-Index: 7

Saeedeh Zenoozian
Saeedeh Zenoozian

H-Index: 4

Cognitive behavioral counseling and sleep quality in pregnant women: a randomized controlled Trial


Adjunctive raloxifene and isradipine improve cognitive functioning in patients with schizophrenia: a pilot study

Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology


The Effect of Integrating Midwifery Counseling with a Spiritual Approach on Pregnant Women’s Spiritual Experience: A randomized Controlled Trial

Preventive Care in Nursing & Midwifery Journal


Effectiveness of midwifery counseling on adaptation to pregnancy, maternal-fetal attachment, and quality of life in unplanned pregnant women: a randomized controlled trial

International Journal of Pediatrics


Effectiveness of a Psycho-Education Intervention by Midwives (BILIEF protocol) on childbirth fear and childbirth self-efficacy in fearful first time pregnant women: a …


See List of Professors in Saeedeh Zenoozian University(Zanjan University of Medical Sciences)