Sadjad Pirmohammad

About Sadjad Pirmohammad

Sadjad Pirmohammad, With an exceptional h-index of 26 and a recent h-index of 25 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, specializes in the field of Fracture Mechanics, Asphalt Concrete Properties, Impact Mechanics.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Effect of SCB specimen size on mode I fracture parameters of asphalt concrete at low and intermediate temperatures

Effect of support friction on pure mode I, II, and III fracture toughness of cement concrete tested with edge-notched disc bend specimen

Crushing behavior of polygonal multicellular structures with a novel pattern of design for their cross-section under multiple crushing angles

Crashworthiness performance of square, pentagonal, and hexagonal thin-walled structures with a new sectional design

Crushing behavior of multi-cell tubes with a novel pattern of design for their cross-section under multiple crushing angles

Effect of friction at the supports of semi-circular bending tests on fracture mode of loading

Experimental and numerical evaluation of semi‐circular bending specimen for mixed mode I/III and pure mode III fracture tests

Experimental investigation of fracture toughness of nanoclay reinforced polymer concrete composite: Effect of specimen size and crack angle

Sadjad Pirmohammad Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




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Sadjad Pirmohammad Skills & Research Interests

Fracture Mechanics

Asphalt Concrete Properties

Impact Mechanics

Top articles of Sadjad Pirmohammad

Effect of SCB specimen size on mode I fracture parameters of asphalt concrete at low and intermediate temperatures

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics


Effect of support friction on pure mode I, II, and III fracture toughness of cement concrete tested with edge-notched disc bend specimen

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics


Crushing behavior of polygonal multicellular structures with a novel pattern of design for their cross-section under multiple crushing angles

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures


Sadjad Pirmohammad
Sadjad Pirmohammad

H-Index: 15

Crashworthiness performance of square, pentagonal, and hexagonal thin-walled structures with a new sectional design

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures


Sadjad Pirmohammad
Sadjad Pirmohammad

H-Index: 15

Crushing behavior of multi-cell tubes with a novel pattern of design for their cross-section under multiple crushing angles

Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures


Sadjad Pirmohammad
Sadjad Pirmohammad

H-Index: 15

Effect of friction at the supports of semi-circular bending tests on fracture mode of loading

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics


Experimental and numerical evaluation of semi‐circular bending specimen for mixed mode I/III and pure mode III fracture tests

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures


Sadjad Pirmohammad
Sadjad Pirmohammad

H-Index: 15

Experimental investigation of fracture toughness of nanoclay reinforced polymer concrete composite: Effect of specimen size and crack angle

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics


Study on the effect of reclaimed asphalt pavement and rejuvenator on fracture behavior of WMA

Amirkabir Journal of Civil Engineering


Mode II fracture tests on asphalt concrete at different temperatures using semi-circular bend specimen loaded by various types of supports

Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics


Cracking properties of warm mix asphalts containing reclaimed asphalt pavement and recycling agents under different loading modes

Construction and Building Materials


Saeid Sobhi
Saeid Sobhi

H-Index: 1

Sadjad Pirmohammad
Sadjad Pirmohammad

H-Index: 15

Effect of support type on the fracture toughness and energy of asphalt concrete at different temperature conditions

Engineering Fracture Mechanics


Effect of hole shapes and dimensions on the crushing performance of octagonal multi-cell columns

Automotive Science and Engineering


Sadjad Pirmohammad
Sadjad Pirmohammad

H-Index: 15

Crashworthiness performance of concentric structures with different cross-sectional shapes under multiple loading conditions

Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering


Sadjad Pirmohammad
Sadjad Pirmohammad

H-Index: 15

Experimental investigation of fracture properties of asphalt mixtures modified with Nano Fe2O3 and carbon nanotubes

Road Materials and Pavement Design


Fracture strength of warm mix asphalt concretes modified with crumb rubber subjected to variable temperatures

Road Materials and Pavement Design


Sadjad Pirmohammad
Sadjad Pirmohammad

H-Index: 15

Fracture toughness of warm mix asphalts containing reclaimed asphalt pavement

Journal of Stress Analysis


Influence of natural fibers on fracture strength of WMA (warm mix asphalt) concretes using a new fracture test specimen

Construction and Building Materials


The effect of basalt fibres on fracture toughness of asphalt mixture

Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures


Sadjad Pirmohammad
Sadjad Pirmohammad

H-Index: 15

Yousef Majd Shokorlou
Yousef Majd Shokorlou

H-Index: 5

Corrigendum to “Laboratory investigations on fracture resistance of asphalt concretes reinforced with carbon and kenaf fibers at− 15 C”[Eng. Fract. Mech. 226 (2020) 106875]

Engineering fracture mechanics


See List of Professors in Sadjad Pirmohammad University(University of Mohaghegh Ardabili)

