Ryan David Kennedy

Ryan David Kennedy

Johns Hopkins University

H-index: 21

North America-United States

About Ryan David Kennedy

Ryan David Kennedy, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Johns Hopkins University, specializes in the field of tobacco control, public health, policy development, policy evaluation, behavior change.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Changes in Compliance with Bans on Tobacco Product Display and Advertising at Traditional and Modern Point-of-Sale Retailers in Depok, Indonesia, 2019-2021

Nicotine pouches: a summary of regulatory approaches across 67 countries

Testing messaging strategies to correct beliefs about nicotine and relative harm perceptions of non-cigarette tobacco products compared to cigarettes: A 2× 2 factorial …

E-cigarette ‘tobacco flavor’, how do I name thee? Let me count the ways

A Cross-Sectional Survey on Oral Nicotine Pouches: Characterizing Use-Motives, Topography, Dependence Levels, and Adverse Events

Tobacco product litter as a form of postconsumption marketing: an observational study in India

State of the literature discussing smoke-free policies globally: A narrative review

ENDS advertising expenditures in English language media in the USA, 2015–2020

Ryan David Kennedy Information



Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ryan David Kennedy Skills & Research Interests

tobacco control

public health

policy development

policy evaluation

behavior change

Top articles of Ryan David Kennedy

Changes in Compliance with Bans on Tobacco Product Display and Advertising at Traditional and Modern Point-of-Sale Retailers in Depok, Indonesia, 2019-2021

Nicotine and Tobacco Research


Nicotine pouches: a summary of regulatory approaches across 67 countries

Tobacco control


Kevin Welding
Kevin Welding

H-Index: 5

Ryan David Kennedy
Ryan David Kennedy

H-Index: 13

Testing messaging strategies to correct beliefs about nicotine and relative harm perceptions of non-cigarette tobacco products compared to cigarettes: A 2× 2 factorial …

Addictive Behaviors


Ryan David Kennedy
Ryan David Kennedy

H-Index: 13

E-cigarette ‘tobacco flavor’, how do I name thee? Let me count the ways

Nicotine and Tobacco Research


A Cross-Sectional Survey on Oral Nicotine Pouches: Characterizing Use-Motives, Topography, Dependence Levels, and Adverse Events

Nicotine and Tobacco Research


Tobacco product litter as a form of postconsumption marketing: an observational study in India

Tobacco control


State of the literature discussing smoke-free policies globally: A narrative review


Ryan David Kennedy
Ryan David Kennedy

H-Index: 13

ENDS advertising expenditures in English language media in the USA, 2015–2020

Tobacco control


Kevin Welding
Kevin Welding

H-Index: 5

Ryan David Kennedy
Ryan David Kennedy

H-Index: 13

Noticing people, discounts and non-tobacco flavours in e-cigarette ads may increase e-cigarette product appeal among non-tobacco-using young adults

Tobacco control


Thrombotic and hemorrhagic complications of COVID-19 in adults hospitalized in high-income countries compared with those in adults hospitalized in low-and middle-income …

Research and practice in thrombosis and haemostasis


Individual and environmental bicycling determinants during a pandemic

Journal of Transport & Health


Johnathon Ehsani
Johnathon Ehsani

H-Index: 16

Ryan David Kennedy
Ryan David Kennedy

H-Index: 13

Presence of flavoured electronic nicotine delivery system (ENDS) products in US ENDS advertisements, 2015–2020: a content analysis

BMJ open


Nicotine-related content in English language ENDS advertisements in the US: 2018–2020

Preventive Medicine


The association between viewing cigarette health warning labels and intention to quit smoking among Chinese adult smokers: support for including health outcome content and …

BMC public health


The vaping and patterns of e-cigarette use research study: protocol for a web-based cohort study

JMIR Research Protocols


Perceived effectiveness of four different cigarette health warning label themes among a sample of urban smokers and non-smokers in China

Tobacco control


Ryan David Kennedy
Ryan David Kennedy

H-Index: 13

Electronic nicotine delivery system advertising in business‐to‐business publications, United States, 2015–2020

Drug and Alcohol Review


Exploring Different Incentive Structures Among US Adults Who Use e-Cigarettes to Optimize Retention in Longitudinal Web-Based Surveys: Case Study

Journal of medical Internet research


Kevin Welding
Kevin Welding

H-Index: 5

Ryan David Kennedy
Ryan David Kennedy

H-Index: 13

Transitions in device and liquid characteristic groupings among US adults frequently using electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) over three timepoints, 2020–2021

Tobacco Induced Diseases


Identifying and assessing perceived cycling safety components



Ryan David Kennedy
Ryan David Kennedy

H-Index: 13

Johnathon Ehsani
Johnathon Ehsani

H-Index: 16

See List of Professors in Ryan David Kennedy University(Johns Hopkins University)

