Ruth Cunningham

Ruth Cunningham

University of Otago

H-index: 19

Oceania-New Zealand

About Ruth Cunningham

Ruth Cunningham, With an exceptional h-index of 19 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Otago, specializes in the field of Mental Health, Public Health, Epidemiology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

‘E koekoe te Tūī, e ketekete te Kākā, e kuku te Kererū, The Tūī chatters, the Kākā cackles, and the Kererū coos’: Insights into explanatory factors, treatment experiences and …

Experiences of physical healthcare services in Māori and non-Māori with mental health and substance use conditions

Cancer diagnosis after emergency presentations in people with mental health and substance use conditions: a national cohort study

Mental health and aging in New Zealand: mixed-methods analysis of experiences of healthcare from a survey of older adults with mental health conditions

The role of social support in reducing the long-term burden of cumulative childhood adversity on adulthood internalising disorder

Institutional pathways to psychosis for Indigenous Māori: A qualitative exploration of experiences

Rates and causes of death after release from incarceration among 1 471 526 people in eight high-income and middle-income countries: an individual participant data meta-analysis

The Right to Equal Health: Best Practice Priorities for Māori with Bipolar Disorder from Staff Focus Groups

Ruth Cunningham Information



Senior Research Fellow



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Ruth Cunningham Skills & Research Interests

Mental Health

Public Health


Top articles of Ruth Cunningham

‘E koekoe te Tūī, e ketekete te Kākā, e kuku te Kererū, The Tūī chatters, the Kākā cackles, and the Kererū coos’: Insights into explanatory factors, treatment experiences and …

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry


Experiences of physical healthcare services in Māori and non-Māori with mental health and substance use conditions

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry


Ruth Cunningham
Ruth Cunningham

H-Index: 11

Susanna Every-Palmer
Susanna Every-Palmer

H-Index: 15

Cancer diagnosis after emergency presentations in people with mental health and substance use conditions: a national cohort study

BMC cancer


Mental health and aging in New Zealand: mixed-methods analysis of experiences of healthcare from a survey of older adults with mental health conditions

Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online


Ruth Cunningham
Ruth Cunningham

H-Index: 11

The role of social support in reducing the long-term burden of cumulative childhood adversity on adulthood internalising disorder

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology


Giles Newton-Howes
Giles Newton-Howes

H-Index: 22

Ruth Cunningham
Ruth Cunningham

H-Index: 11

Institutional pathways to psychosis for Indigenous Māori: A qualitative exploration of experiences

SSM-Qualitative Research in Health


Rates and causes of death after release from incarceration among 1 471 526 people in eight high-income and middle-income countries: an individual participant data meta-analysis

The Lancet


The Right to Equal Health: Best Practice Priorities for Māori with Bipolar Disorder from Staff Focus Groups



Racism, early psychosis, and institutional contact: A qualitative study of Indigenous experiences

International Journal of Social Psychiatry


Dealing With Discrimination in Physical Health Care Services: Strategies of People With Mental Health and Substance Use Conditions

Journal of Patient Experience


Ruth Cunningham
Ruth Cunningham

H-Index: 11

Susanna Every-Palmer
Susanna Every-Palmer

H-Index: 15

It’s not in my head: a qualitative analysis of experiences of discrimination in people with mental health and substance use conditions seeking physical healthcare

Frontiers in Psychiatry


Ruth Cunningham
Ruth Cunningham

H-Index: 11

Susanna Every-Palmer
Susanna Every-Palmer

H-Index: 15

Health service utilisation by quota, family-sponsored and convention refugees in their first five years in New Zealand

Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health


James Stanley
James Stanley

H-Index: 31

Ruth Cunningham
Ruth Cunningham

H-Index: 11

Non-Indigenous privilege in health, justice and social services preceding first episode psychosis: A population-based cohort study

Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry


Do patients with mental health and substance use conditions experience discrimination and diagnostic overshadowing in primary care in Aotearoa New Zealand? Results from a …

Journal of Primary Health Care


Missed presentations, missed opportunities: A cross‐sectional study of mental health presentation undercounting in the emergency department

Emergency Medicine Australasia


Ruth Cunningham
Ruth Cunningham

H-Index: 11

James Stanley
James Stanley

H-Index: 31

Evolution of first episode psychosis diagnoses and health service use among young Māori and non‐Māori—A New Zealand national cohort study

Early Intervention in Psychiatry


Reimagining eating disorder spaces: a qualitative study exploring Māori experiences of accessing treatment for eating disorders in Aotearoa New Zealand

Journal of Eating Disorders


Still in the shadows: a national study of acute mental health unit location across New Zealand hospitals

BMC Health Services Research


Mortality after release from incarceration in New Zealand by gender: A national record linkage study

SSM-Population Health


Gendered experiences of unemployment, suicide and self-harm: a population-level record linkage study

Psychological medicine


See List of Professors in Ruth Cunningham University(University of Otago)

