Rosamond Coates

About Rosamond Coates

Rosamond Coates, With an exceptional h-index of 35 and a recent h-index of 18 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, specializes in the field of biologia de la conservacion, interacciones planta-animal.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Underlying and proximate drivers of biodiversity changes in Mesoamerican biosphere reserves

Philander opossum as prey of Didelphis marsupialis in a rainforest in México

Local Climate Conditions Shape the Seasonal Patterns of the Diptera Community in a Tropical Rainforest of the Americas

Liana community attributes in one of the northernmost neotropical rainforests

Spatiotemporal Coexistence of Mesopredators and Their Prey in a Defaunated Neotropical Rainforest

Live fences as refuges of wild and useful plant diversity: their drivers and structure in five elevation contrast sites of Veracruz, Mexico

Dung beetle activity had no positive effect on nutrient concentration or performance of established rainforest seedlings

Two tropical research stations in Mexico: 50 years of contributions and challenges

Rosamond Coates Information



Estacion de Biologia Tropical Los Tuxtlas Instituto de Biologia



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Rosamond Coates Skills & Research Interests

biologia de la conservacion

interacciones planta-animal

Top articles of Rosamond Coates

Underlying and proximate drivers of biodiversity changes in Mesoamerican biosphere reserves

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


Philander opossum as prey of Didelphis marsupialis in a rainforest in México

Therya Notes


Rosamond Coates
Rosamond Coates

H-Index: 20

José Juan Flores-Martínez
José Juan Flores-Martínez

H-Index: 10

Local Climate Conditions Shape the Seasonal Patterns of the Diptera Community in a Tropical Rainforest of the Americas

Neotropical Entomology


Rosamond Coates
Rosamond Coates

H-Index: 20

Liana community attributes in one of the northernmost neotropical rainforests

Botanical Sciences


Rosamond Coates
Rosamond Coates

H-Index: 20

Guillermo Ibarra-Manríquez
Guillermo Ibarra-Manríquez

H-Index: 24

Spatiotemporal Coexistence of Mesopredators and Their Prey in a Defaunated Neotropical Rainforest

Tropical Conservation Science


Live fences as refuges of wild and useful plant diversity: their drivers and structure in five elevation contrast sites of Veracruz, Mexico

Tropical Conservation Science


Rosamond Coates
Rosamond Coates

H-Index: 20

Jorge Antonio Gómez Díaz
Jorge Antonio Gómez Díaz

H-Index: 6

Dung beetle activity had no positive effect on nutrient concentration or performance of established rainforest seedlings



Ellen Andresen
Ellen Andresen

H-Index: 21

Rosamond Coates
Rosamond Coates

H-Index: 20

Two tropical research stations in Mexico: 50 years of contributions and challenges

Environmental Challenges


Rosamond Coates
Rosamond Coates

H-Index: 20

Effects of seed priming on germination and seedling growth of desiccation-sensitive seeds from Mexican tropical rainforest

Journal of plant research


Rosamond Coates
Rosamond Coates

H-Index: 20

Mexico ants: incidence and abundance along the Nearctic–Neotropical interface


Reuber Antoniazzi
Reuber Antoniazzi

H-Index: 5

Rosamond Coates
Rosamond Coates

H-Index: 20

Mexico's Ants: Who are They and Where do They Live?

Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America


See List of Professors in Rosamond Coates University(Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)