Ron Shimelmitz

About Ron Shimelmitz

Ron Shimelmitz, With an exceptional h-index of 21 and a recent h-index of 17 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Haifa, specializes in the field of Human Evolution, Early Homo sapiens, Neanderthal Homo sapiens interaction, Material Culture.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

The Flint Assemblages of Tell el-'Orēme and the Character of the Iron Age Lithic Technology at the Site

The stone-to-metal transition reflected in the Iron Age copper production sites of Timna Valley, Israel

From hafting to retooling: miniaturization as tolerance control in Paleolithic and Neolithic blade production

Paleoenvironments and climate at Nahal Me'arot (Mount Carmel, Israel) during the Middle and Late Pleistocene: The herpetofauna of Tabun Cave and el-Wad Terrace

Large Predator Hunting and Its Interpretation: Leopards, Bears and Lions in the Archaeological Record of the Southern Levant

A micro-geoarchaeological view on stratigraphy and site formation processes in the Middle, Upper and Epi-Paleolithic layers of Sefunim Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel

Extended longevity of DNA preservation in Levantine Paleolithic sediments, Sefunim Cave, Israel

Identification of fresh and burnt bat guano and pigeon droppings in Eastern Mediterranean karstic cave sites based on micromorphological and chemical characteristics

Ron Shimelmitz Information



Faculty member Zinman Institute of Archaeology .



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Ron Shimelmitz Skills & Research Interests

Human Evolution

Early Homo sapiens

Neanderthal Homo sapiens interaction

Material Culture

Top articles of Ron Shimelmitz

The Flint Assemblages of Tell el-'Orēme and the Character of the Iron Age Lithic Technology at the Site


Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

The stone-to-metal transition reflected in the Iron Age copper production sites of Timna Valley, Israel

Plos one


Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

From hafting to retooling: miniaturization as tolerance control in Paleolithic and Neolithic blade production

Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory


Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

Paleoenvironments and climate at Nahal Me'arot (Mount Carmel, Israel) during the Middle and Late Pleistocene: The herpetofauna of Tabun Cave and el-Wad Terrace


Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

Reuven Yeshurun
Reuven Yeshurun

H-Index: 20

Large Predator Hunting and Its Interpretation: Leopards, Bears and Lions in the Archaeological Record of the Southern Levant

Cambridge Archaeological Journal


A micro-geoarchaeological view on stratigraphy and site formation processes in the Middle, Upper and Epi-Paleolithic layers of Sefunim Cave, Mt. Carmel, Israel

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences


Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

Extended longevity of DNA preservation in Levantine Paleolithic sediments, Sefunim Cave, Israel

Scientific Reports


Identification of fresh and burnt bat guano and pigeon droppings in Eastern Mediterranean karstic cave sites based on micromorphological and chemical characteristics


Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

Ruth Shahack-Gross
Ruth Shahack-Gross

H-Index: 31

High-resolution study of Middle Palaeolithic deposits and formation processes at Tabun Cave, Israel: Guano-rich cave deposits and detailed stratigraphic appreciation of Layer C


Ruth Shahack-Gross
Ruth Shahack-Gross

H-Index: 31

Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

The end of the Acheulo-Yabrudian and the Lower Paleolithic in the Levant: a view from the “transitional” Unit X of Tabun Cave, Israel

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences


Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

Renewed excavations of Tabun Layer B: a window into the complexity of Middle Paleolithic hominin populations


A Middle Pleistocene abrading tool from Tabun Cave, Israel: A search for the roots of abrading technology in human evolution

Journal of Human Evolution


Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

Diachronic trends in occupation intensity of the Epipaleolithic site of Neve David (Mount Carmel, Israel): A lithic perspective

Journal of Anthropological Archaeology


Versatile use of microliths as a technological advantage in the miniaturization of Late Pleistocene toolkits: The case study of Neve David, Israel

Plos one


The evolution of raw material procurement strategies: A view from the deep sequence of Tabun Cave, Israel

Journal of human evolution


Ron Shimelmitz
Ron Shimelmitz

H-Index: 15

See List of Professors in Ron Shimelmitz University(University of Haifa)

