Rodrigo Manzanas

About Rodrigo Manzanas

Rodrigo Manzanas, With an exceptional h-index of 25 and a recent h-index of 24 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universidad de Cantabria, specializes in the field of climate change and variability, climate services, seasonal forecasting, statistical downscaling, machine learning.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Future of land surface water availability over the Mediterranean basin and North Africa: Analysis and synthesis from the CMIP6 exercise

An FAO model comparison: Python Agroecological Zoning (PyAEZ) and AquaCrop to assess climate change impacts on crop yields in Nepal

Assessing three perfect prognosis methods for statistical downscaling of climate change precipitation scenarios

Extending A Posteriori Random Forests for Multivariate Statistical Downscaling of Climate Change Projections

Bayesian Network-Informed Conditional Random Forests for Probabilistic Multisite Downscaling of Precipitation Occurrence

El juego como recurso didáctico para las matemáticas en la universidad. Experiencia en varios Grados de Ingeniería

On the benefits of bias correction techniques for streamflow simulation in complex terrain catchments: a case-study for the Chitral River Basin in Pakistan

Implementation of FAIR principles in the IPCC: the WGI AR6 Atlas repository

Rodrigo Manzanas Information



(Dpt. of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science)



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

Google Scholar

Rodrigo Manzanas Skills & Research Interests

climate change and variability

climate services

seasonal forecasting

statistical downscaling

machine learning

Top articles of Rodrigo Manzanas

Future of land surface water availability over the Mediterranean basin and North Africa: Analysis and synthesis from the CMIP6 exercise

Atmospheric Science Letters


Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

An FAO model comparison: Python Agroecological Zoning (PyAEZ) and AquaCrop to assess climate change impacts on crop yields in Nepal

Environmental Development


Assessing three perfect prognosis methods for statistical downscaling of climate change precipitation scenarios

Geophysical Research Letters


Extending A Posteriori Random Forests for Multivariate Statistical Downscaling of Climate Change Projections

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Bayesian Network-Informed Conditional Random Forests for Probabilistic Multisite Downscaling of Precipitation Occurrence

Authorea Preprints


Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

El juego como recurso didáctico para las matemáticas en la universidad. Experiencia en varios Grados de Ingeniería


On the benefits of bias correction techniques for streamflow simulation in complex terrain catchments: a case-study for the Chitral River Basin in Pakistan



Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman

H-Index: 4

Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Implementation of FAIR principles in the IPCC: the WGI AR6 Atlas repository

Scientific Data


Modelling climate change impacts on wet and dry season rice in Cambodia

Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science


Riccardo Soldan
Riccardo Soldan

H-Index: 1

Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

On the reliability of global seasonal forecasts: sensitivity to ensemble size, hindcast length and region definition


Climate change impacts on irrigated crops in Cambodia

Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Riccardo Soldan
Riccardo Soldan

H-Index: 1

Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Modeling implications of climate induced streamflow changes on the fish species of the Soan River, Pakistan

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment


Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman

H-Index: 4

Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Repository supporting the results presented in the manuscript on Downscaling Multi-Model Climate Projection Ensembles with Deep Learning (DeepESD): Contribution to CORDEX EUR-44


Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Jesús Fernández
Jesús Fernández

H-Index: 24

Estimating changes in air pollutant levels due to COVID-19 lockdown measures based on a business-as-usual prediction scenario using data mining models: A case-study for urban …

Science of the Total Environment


Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Modeling streamflow using multiple precipitation products in a topographically complex catchment

Modeling Earth Systems and Environment


Muhammad Usman
Muhammad Usman

H-Index: 4

Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Testing deep learning methods for downscaling climate change projections: The DeepESD multi-model dataset

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Jesús Fernández
Jesús Fernández

H-Index: 24

Assessing the Suitability of A Posteriori Random Forests for Downscaling Climate Change Projections

EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts


Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Extreme precipitation on consecutive days occurs more often in a warming climate

Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society


Downscaling multi-model climate projection ensembles with deep learning (DeepESD): contribution to CORDEX EUR-44

Geoscientific Model Development


Climate trends and extremes in the Indus River Basin, Pakistan: implications for agricultural production



Rodrigo Manzanas
Rodrigo Manzanas

H-Index: 17

Burhan Ahmed
Burhan Ahmed

H-Index: 1

See List of Professors in Rodrigo Manzanas University(Universidad de Cantabria)

