Roberta Schellino

About Roberta Schellino

Roberta Schellino, With an exceptional h-index of 10 and a recent h-index of 10 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Università degli Studi di Torino, specializes in the field of Neuroscienze.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Synergistically acting on myostatin and agrin pathways increases neuromuscular junction stability and endurance in old mice

Agonist of growth hormone-releasing hormone improves the disease features of spinal muscular atrophy mice

hESC-derived striatal progenitors grafted into a Huntington’s disease rat model support long-term functional motor recovery by differentiating, self-organizing and connecting …

Exploring the neuroprotective effects of montelukast on brain inflammation and metabolism in a rat model of quinolinic acid-induced striatal neurotoxicity

ActR-Fc-nLG3: a novel biological to increase neuromuscular junction stability and endurance in old sarcopenic mice, by synergistically acting on myostatin and agrin pathways.

The therapeutic effects of MR-409, a GHRH agonist, in an experimental mouse model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

The biological role of “green-therapy”: a study on depressed patients

I24 Enriched environment promotes long-term human striatal graft maturation, circuits reconstruction and motor recovery in a rat model of Huntington’s disease

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Top articles of Roberta Schellino

Synergistically acting on myostatin and agrin pathways increases neuromuscular junction stability and endurance in old mice

Aging and Disease


Roberta Schellino
Roberta Schellino

H-Index: 7

Agonist of growth hormone-releasing hormone improves the disease features of spinal muscular atrophy mice

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


hESC-derived striatal progenitors grafted into a Huntington’s disease rat model support long-term functional motor recovery by differentiating, self-organizing and connecting …

Stem Cell Research & Therapy


Roberta Schellino
Roberta Schellino

H-Index: 7

Malin Parmar
Malin Parmar

H-Index: 34

Exploring the neuroprotective effects of montelukast on brain inflammation and metabolism in a rat model of quinolinic acid-induced striatal neurotoxicity

Journal of neuroinflammation


ActR-Fc-nLG3: a novel biological to increase neuromuscular junction stability and endurance in old sarcopenic mice, by synergistically acting on myostatin and agrin pathways.

Italian Journal of Anatomy & Embryology/Archivio Italiano di Anatomia Ed Embriologia


Roberta Schellino
Roberta Schellino

H-Index: 7

The therapeutic effects of MR-409, a GHRH agonist, in an experimental mouse model of Spinal Muscular Atrophy.

Italian Journal of Anatomy & Embryology/Archivio Italiano di Anatomia Ed Embriologia


The biological role of “green-therapy”: a study on depressed patients


Claudio Brasso
Claudio Brasso

H-Index: 5

Roberta Schellino
Roberta Schellino

H-Index: 7

I24 Enriched environment promotes long-term human striatal graft maturation, circuits reconstruction and motor recovery in a rat model of Huntington’s disease


Roberta Schellino
Roberta Schellino

H-Index: 7

Malin Parmar
Malin Parmar

H-Index: 34

Stem cell-derived human striatal progenitors innervate striatal targets and alleviate sensorimotor deficit in a rat model of Huntington disease

Stem cell reports


The dual nature of Onuf’s nucleus: neuroanatomical features and peculiarities, in health and disease


Roberta Schellino
Roberta Schellino

H-Index: 7

Construction and reconstruction of brain circuits: normal and pathological axon guidance


A new protein curbs the hypertrophic effect of myostatin inhibition, adding remarkable endurance to motor performance in mice

PloS one


Roberta Schellino
Roberta Schellino

H-Index: 7

See List of Professors in Roberta Schellino University(Università degli Studi di Torino)