Rintaro Moriyasu

About Rintaro Moriyasu

Rintaro Moriyasu, With an exceptional h-index of 4 and a recent h-index of 4 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Southern California, specializes in the field of Geochemistry, Petroleum Chemistry, Chemical Spill Response, Biogeochemistry.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Biogeochemical cycling of Cd, Mn, and Ce in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific oxygen‐deficient zone

Cu exists predominantly as kinetically inert complexes throughout the interior of the Equatorial and North Pacific Ocean

Meridional survey of the Central Pacific reveals iodide accumulation in equatorial surface waters and benthic sources in the abyssal plain

The Distributions and Geochemistry of Iodine and Copper in the Pacific Ocean

Determination of inert and labile copper on GEOTRACES samples using a novel solvent extraction method

Limited iodate reduction in shipboard seawater incubations from the Eastern Tropical North Pacific oxygen deficient zone

The distribution and redox speciation of iodine in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean

The role of water masses in shaping the distribution of redox active compounds in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific oxygen deficient zone and influencing low oxygen …

Rintaro Moriyasu Information



PhD candidate in Chemical Oceanography



Citations(since 2020)


Cited By




hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



University Profile Page

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Rintaro Moriyasu Skills & Research Interests


Petroleum Chemistry

Chemical Spill Response


Top articles of Rintaro Moriyasu

Biogeochemical cycling of Cd, Mn, and Ce in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific oxygen‐deficient zone

Limnology and Oceanography


Xiaopeng Bian
Xiaopeng Bian

H-Index: 3

Rintaro Moriyasu
Rintaro Moriyasu

H-Index: 2

Cu exists predominantly as kinetically inert complexes throughout the interior of the Equatorial and North Pacific Ocean

Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Rintaro Moriyasu
Rintaro Moriyasu

H-Index: 2

Xiaopeng Bian
Xiaopeng Bian

H-Index: 3

Meridional survey of the Central Pacific reveals iodide accumulation in equatorial surface waters and benthic sources in the abyssal plain

Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Rintaro Moriyasu
Rintaro Moriyasu

H-Index: 2

Dalton S Hardisty
Dalton S Hardisty

H-Index: 18

The Distributions and Geochemistry of Iodine and Copper in the Pacific Ocean


Rintaro Moriyasu
Rintaro Moriyasu

H-Index: 2

Determination of inert and labile copper on GEOTRACES samples using a novel solvent extraction method

Marine Chemistry


Rintaro Moriyasu
Rintaro Moriyasu

H-Index: 2

Limited iodate reduction in shipboard seawater incubations from the Eastern Tropical North Pacific oxygen deficient zone

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


The distribution and redox speciation of iodine in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific Ocean

Global Biogeochemical Cycles


Rintaro Moriyasu
Rintaro Moriyasu

H-Index: 2

Dalton S Hardisty
Dalton S Hardisty

H-Index: 18

The role of water masses in shaping the distribution of redox active compounds in the Eastern Tropical North Pacific oxygen deficient zone and influencing low oxygen …

Limnology and Oceanography


See List of Professors in Rintaro Moriyasu University(University of Southern California)