Rina Triasih

About Rina Triasih

Rina Triasih, With an exceptional h-index of 23 and a recent h-index of 21 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Universitas Gadjah Mada, specializes in the field of Paediatric respirology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Bunga Rampai Klinis Praktis Masalah Kesehatan Pada Anak

Tuberculosis Case Finding in Kulon Progo District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Passive versus Active Case Finding Using Mobile Chest X-ray

Management of the infant born to a mother with tuberculosis: a systematic review and consensus practice guideline

Extreme temperatures increase the risk of pediatric pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis

The Yield of Active Tuberculosis Disease and Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Tuberculosis Household Contacts Investigated Using Chest X-ray in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

Making the case for all-oral, shorter regimens for children with drug-resistant tuberculosis

Epidemiologic, clinical, and serum markers may improve discrimination between bacterial and viral etiologies of childhood pneumonia

The prevalence and risk factors for tuberculosis among healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Rina Triasih Information



Department of Paediatric Faculty of Medicine Indonesia



Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Rina Triasih Skills & Research Interests

Paediatric respirology

Top articles of Rina Triasih

Tuberculosis Case Finding in Kulon Progo District, Yogyakarta, Indonesia: Passive versus Active Case Finding Using Mobile Chest X-ray

Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease


Riris Andono Ahmad
Riris Andono Ahmad

H-Index: 11

Rina Triasih
Rina Triasih

H-Index: 15

Management of the infant born to a mother with tuberculosis: a systematic review and consensus practice guideline


Extreme temperatures increase the risk of pediatric pneumonia: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Rina Triasih
Rina Triasih

H-Index: 15

Kian Fan Chung
Kian Fan Chung

H-Index: 81

The Yield of Active Tuberculosis Disease and Latent Tuberculosis Infection in Tuberculosis Household Contacts Investigated Using Chest X-ray in Yogyakarta Province, Indonesia

Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease


Rina Triasih
Rina Triasih

H-Index: 15

Arif Hidayat
Arif Hidayat

H-Index: 4

Making the case for all-oral, shorter regimens for children with drug-resistant tuberculosis

American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine


Epidemiologic, clinical, and serum markers may improve discrimination between bacterial and viral etiologies of childhood pneumonia

Frontiers in Medicine


The prevalence and risk factors for tuberculosis among healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Plos one


Caring for adolescents and young adults with tuberculosis or at risk of tuberculosis: consensus statement from an international expert panel

Journal of Adolescent Health


The characteristics of foreign bodies aspirated by children across different continents: A comparative review


Prevalence, management, and risk factors of asthma among school-age children in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Journal of Asthma and Allergy


High Tuberculosis Preventive Treatment Uptake and Completion Rates Using a Person-Centered Approach among Tuberculosis Household Contact in Yogyakarta

Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease


Rina Triasih
Rina Triasih

H-Index: 15

Guardian Yoki Sanjaya
Guardian Yoki Sanjaya

H-Index: 7

Spectrum of TB disease and treatment outcomes in a mobile community based active case finding program in Yogyakarta province, Indonesia

Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease


Clinical standards for drug-susceptible TB in children and adolescents

The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease


Knowledge and attitudes towards TB among healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Public Health Action


Trainees’ perceptions on learning environment based on the level of training in a pediatric training program in Indonesia

Paediatrica Indonesiana


Rina Triasih
Rina Triasih

H-Index: 15

Predictors of mortality in immunocompromised children with respiratory infections

Paediatrica Indonesiana


Rina Triasih
Rina Triasih

H-Index: 15

Xpert Ultra stool testing to diagnose tuberculosis in children in Ethiopia and Indonesia: a model-based cost-effectiveness analysis

BMJ open


Rina Triasih
Rina Triasih

H-Index: 15

Epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia among hospitalised children in Indonesia: a multicentre, prospective study

BMJ open


See List of Professors in Rina Triasih University(Universitas Gadjah Mada)