Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

University of Michigan

H-index: 14

North America-United States

About Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

Riccardo Di Gianfilippo, With an exceptional h-index of 14 and a recent h-index of 14 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at University of Michigan, specializes in the field of Periodontics and dental implantology.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Stability of peri-implantitis surgical reconstructive therapy—a (> 2 years) follow-up of a randomized clinical trial

Challenges and success in periodontal plastic surgery

Translational approach to tooth autotransplantation: A 27-year case study.

Dentoalveolar Bone in Orthodontic Patients: The Periodontal Perspective

Evolution, Development, and Physiology of the Dentoalveolar Bone Evolution of the Human Jawbone and Dentoalveolar Bone Dentoalveolar bone, as part of the jaw and skull bone, is an

Diagnostic reproducibility of the 2018 Classification of Gingival Recession Defects and Gingival Phenotype: A multicenter inter‐and intra‐examiner agreement study

Acellular dermal matrix for the treatment of multiple gingival recession defects associated with carious and previously restored cervical lesions: A case report with 10 years …

Effect of laser‐assisted reconstructive surgical therapy of peri‐implantitis on protein biomarkers and bacterial load

Riccardo Di Gianfilippo Information






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Riccardo Di Gianfilippo Skills & Research Interests

Periodontics and dental implantology

Top articles of Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

Stability of peri-implantitis surgical reconstructive therapy—a (> 2 years) follow-up of a randomized clinical trial

Clinical Oral Investigations


Challenges and success in periodontal plastic surgery


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Translational approach to tooth autotransplantation: A 27-year case study.

Clinical Advances in Periodontics


Dentoalveolar Bone in Orthodontic Patients: The Periodontal Perspective


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Evolution, Development, and Physiology of the Dentoalveolar Bone Evolution of the Human Jawbone and Dentoalveolar Bone Dentoalveolar bone, as part of the jaw and skull bone, is an

Surgically Facilitated Orthodontic Therapy: An Interdisciplinary Approach


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Diagnostic reproducibility of the 2018 Classification of Gingival Recession Defects and Gingival Phenotype: A multicenter inter‐and intra‐examiner agreement study

Journal of Periodontology


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Ajay Mahajan
Ajay Mahajan

H-Index: 11

Acellular dermal matrix for the treatment of multiple gingival recession defects associated with carious and previously restored cervical lesions: A case report with 10 years …

Clinical Advances in Periodontics


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Effect of laser‐assisted reconstructive surgical therapy of peri‐implantitis on protein biomarkers and bacterial load

Clinical Oral Implants Research


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Yuying Xie
Yuying Xie

H-Index: 16

Janet Kinney
Janet Kinney

H-Index: 14

Immediate vs. Delayed placement of immediately Provisionalized self-tapping implants: a non-randomized controlled clinical trial with 1 year of follow-up

Journal of Clinical Medicine


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Hom-Lay Wang
Hom-Lay Wang

H-Index: 68

Computer-Assisted Mandibular Reconstruction with a Single-Step Free Fibula Flap and Simultaneous Implant Placement.

International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Marco Conti
Marco Conti

H-Index: 48

Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Paradigm Shifts in the Evolution of Implant Therapy.

International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Gingival recessions caused by Herpes Simplex Virus in a patient with COVID‐19 infection

Clinical case reports


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Intra-and interexaminer repeatability of diagnostic peri-Implant clinical measurement: a pilot study

Journal of Oral Implantology


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Hom-Lay Wang
Hom-Lay Wang

H-Index: 68

Chin-Wei Wang
Chin-Wei Wang

H-Index: 10

Comparative Assessment of Flap-Advancing Techniques in an Ex Vivo Cadaverous Porcine Model.

International Journal of Oral & Maxillofacial Implants


Soft tissue phenotype modification predicts gingival margin long‐term (10‐year) stability: longitudinal analysis of six randomized clinical trials

Journal of Clinical Periodontology


Comparison of decontamination efficacy of two electrolyte cleaning methods to diode laser, plasma, and air-abrasive devices

Clinical Oral Investigations


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Hom-Lay Wang
Hom-Lay Wang

H-Index: 68

Prognostic factors associated with implant loss, disease progression or favorable outcomes after peri‐implantitis surgical therapy

Clinical Implant Dentistry and Related Research


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Gurpreet Kaur
Gurpreet Kaur

H-Index: 0

Classification based on extraction socket buccal bone morphology and related treatment decision tree


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Hom-Lay Wang
Hom-Lay Wang

H-Index: 68

Laser‐assisted regenerative surgical therapy for peri‐implantitis: a randomized controlled clinical trial

Journal of periodontology


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

Janet Kinney
Janet Kinney

H-Index: 14

Periodontal Plastic Surgery for Reshaping the Mucogingival Junction Following Grafting Procedures

International Journal of Periodontics & Restorative Dentistry


Riccardo Di Gianfilippo
Riccardo Di Gianfilippo

H-Index: 5

See List of Professors in Riccardo Di Gianfilippo University(University of Michigan)