Raziyeh Maasoumi

About Raziyeh Maasoumi

Raziyeh Maasoumi, With an exceptional h-index of 17 and a recent h-index of 16 (since 2020), a distinguished researcher at Tehran University of Medical Sciences, specializes in the field of Sexology, Sexual and Reproductive Health, Midwifery.

His recent articles reflect a diverse array of research interests and contributions to the field:

Comparative Investigation of Genital Self-image and Sexual Function in Women with and Without a History of Female Genital Cosmetic Procedures: A Cross-sectional Study

The Effect of a Mobile App-Based Psychosexual Intervention on Promoting Help-Seeking Behaviors for Sexual Health Issues Among Iranian Newly Married Women: a Randomized …

The effect of sexuality education based on the information, motivation, and behavioral skills model on improving the teachers’ professional competence

Development of self-care strategies to promote young Iranian women’s sexual health: an explanatory sequential mixed method study protocol

Explaining the perspective of people living with HIV on health‐promoting behaviours based on Pender's model: A directed content analysis

Perceived Barriers and Needs in Accessing Sexual Health Services for Iranian Couples: A Qualitative Research

Help-seeking challenges for female sexual concerns: a qualitative study from Iran

The Effect of Spiritual Self-care Intervention with a Blended Learning Approach on Anxiety in Women with Preterm Labor: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Raziyeh Maasoumi Information






Citations(since 2020)


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hIndex(since 2020)




i10Index(since 2020)



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Raziyeh Maasoumi Skills & Research Interests


Sexual and Reproductive Health


Top articles of Raziyeh Maasoumi

Comparative Investigation of Genital Self-image and Sexual Function in Women with and Without a History of Female Genital Cosmetic Procedures: A Cross-sectional Study

International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

The Effect of a Mobile App-Based Psychosexual Intervention on Promoting Help-Seeking Behaviors for Sexual Health Issues Among Iranian Newly Married Women: a Randomized …

Sexuality Research and Social Policy


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

The effect of sexuality education based on the information, motivation, and behavioral skills model on improving the teachers’ professional competence



Development of self-care strategies to promote young Iranian women’s sexual health: an explanatory sequential mixed method study protocol

Reproductive Health


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

Explaining the perspective of people living with HIV on health‐promoting behaviours based on Pender's model: A directed content analysis

Nursing Open


Shahzad Pashaeypoor
Shahzad Pashaeypoor

H-Index: 7

Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

Perceived Barriers and Needs in Accessing Sexual Health Services for Iranian Couples: A Qualitative Research

Iranian Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Research


Help-seeking challenges for female sexual concerns: a qualitative study from Iran

BMC Health Services Research


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

The Effect of Spiritual Self-care Intervention with a Blended Learning Approach on Anxiety in Women with Preterm Labor: A Randomized Controlled Trial

International Journal of Community Based Nursing and Midwifery


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

Perceptions and Experiences of Forensic Medicine Department Ser-vice Recipients and Providers in Evaluating Men’s Sexual Dysfunction Following Filing for Divorce: A Qualitative …


Prerequisites of sexual health literacy promoting service: a qualitative study in Iran

BMC Health Services Research


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

Fatemeh Zarei
Fatemeh Zarei

H-Index: 0

Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on sexual functioning and activity: a systematic review and meta-analysis


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

Nicola Luigi Bragazzi
Nicola Luigi Bragazzi

H-Index: 42

Women’s help-seeking behaviors for sexual Health Issues and the related factors: a cross-sectional study from Iran

Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

The status of sexual health literacy in Iranian women: a cross-sectional study

J Nurs Midwifery Sci


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

Fatemeh Zarei
Fatemeh Zarei

H-Index: 0

Exploring experiences of psychological distress among Iranian parents in dealing with the sexual behaviors of their children with autism spectrum disorder: a qualitative study

Journal of Medicine and Life


Knowledge and attitude and practice of parents in response to their children’s sexual behavior

Journal of Nursing and Midwifery Sciences


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

Mohammad Hassan Emamian
Mohammad Hassan Emamian

H-Index: 24

The Effect of BETTER-Based Sex Counseling on Sexual Quality of Life in Infertile Women: a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Sexuality and Disability


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

The Effect of an Education Program on Iranian Mothers’ Self-efficacy in Child Sex Education: a Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial

Sexuality Research and Social Policy


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

The effects of self-care education based on the health literacy index on self-care and quality of life among menopausal women: a randomized clinical trial

BMC Women's Health


Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

Shahzad Pashaeypoor
Shahzad Pashaeypoor

H-Index: 7

The effect of the EX-PLISSIT model-based psychosexual counseling on improving sexual function and sexual quality of life in gynecologic cancer survivors: a randomized …

Supportive Care in Cancer


Effect of integrated consultation based on Ex-PLISSIT model on women's orgasmic disorder: A randomized clinical trial



Raziyeh Maasoumi
Raziyeh Maasoumi

H-Index: 10

See List of Professors in Raziyeh Maasoumi University(Tehran University of Medical Sciences)